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Forum issues trying to create a new post

There's a history of issues with people not being able to login when trying to reply or create a new post. I still get login errors (even though I'm logged in) and often it gets stuck in a loop trying to refresh my web browser. 

Years ago someone posted that if you shut down all your browsers, clear your history and cache, then try and log back in it should work and yeah that fixes it for me - but only on that specific attempt. 

Every time I want to post something I need to clear my history and cache, which sucks for the 99% of the time I use my internet for things OTHER than Rekordbox. 

Is there ever going to be legit fix for this? And yes, my computer is running the current software

Slater Respondida

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This is due to our use of a SSO (single sign-on) and browsers blocking cross-site / cross-domain cookies and data. Please check your preferences to allow this function, then clear the cookies for:



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this was requested over and over.

I login to dozens of websites every day, and this is the only website that has this ridiculous bug.

My current solution is:
- adBblock plus disabled
- I use a dedicated browser (bing) just to post on this forum

pedro estrela 1 voto
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Not trying to be difficult but I don't think just clearing cookies is a solution. @Pulse - I'm not sure if you all are processing how may people continue to be frustrated with this issue, and I'm guessing its been explained multiple times. 

But just in case, you're probably loosing thousands of opportunities for valuable feedback because of this. I wanted to reply last week but I couldn't get the login to work from my iPhone, and on my computer I'm so tired of having to wipe all my website data literally every single time that I post. It takes way too long to try and go deep enough into the security settings to just clear cookies (again every time) for the specific sites you mentioned, and the easy way of clearing cookies (which clears all sites) means you lose website data for all the other sites I use more frequently. 

Other websites have been using SSO for years and figured it out. I can't imagine that Pioneer's customer engagement teams would be okay with the fact that so many people have a negative/frustrating encounter with your brand from simply trying to post on this forum or ask for help. If people need to go to this forum for an issue or to find help, they're probably already frustrated and this is just making it worse. 

Anyway, I know this isn't a new issue or just isolated to me. I just asked 4 of my friends and all 4 said they have the same issue and gave up using this site years ago...


Slater 1 voto
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Thanks for the comments - the issues are more related to the fact that cross-site / cross-domain content blocking is relatively new. Much how once upon a time you could load content into an iframe within a website, that was subsequently blocked to prevent malicious content from being loaded and executed without you realizing that you were on a different site, the cross-site content blocking was added to browsers within the last two years depending on the browser you use.

I understand it's a frustration, but once you have it configured properly, it does work. I'm on here daily and I've had the same issues when moving between computers, but as soon as those settings are changed, it's game-on.

Pulse 0 votos
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> browsers blocking cross-site / cross-domain cookies and data. Please check your preferences to allow this function

@pulse can you please tell us how to enable this function for any browser?
in particular chrome which auto-updates itself to always the latest version?

thank you 

pedro estrela 0 votos
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can you please make a screenshoot of the exact setting in chrome (ie, the most popular browser)?

in this new window there are indeed cookies, but no settings for "cookies" or "cross-site" or "cross-domain".

Some suspects:

  • Notifications
  • Pop-ups and redirects
  • Ads
  • Unsandboxed plugin access
  • Insecure content

thank you


pedro estrela 0 votos
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