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Pioneer Toraiz SP-16 Noise

Is it normal for noise to be heard from the Toraiz SP 16 at the output of the amplifier?

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Are you talking about the headphones or the master output? There is a small amount of hiss in either (more in the headphones because of the headphone amplifier), but if the volume is lower the hiss should be lower, especially when music is playing.

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If you disconnect the SP16 from your audio chain, does the hiss continue? Just checking because many amplifiers introduce hiss on their own.

Pulse 0 votos
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Have you tried using different cables? What about if you adjust the master volume knob on the SP16, does that affect the amount of hiss?

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Hi, it's OK but I'll have to sell it, it's too complicated for me and I don't know anyone who would ever advise. I wanted to use it only for segments in music like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIGSyGeoymQ, but I can't, I don't know what I need to set in the menu and how to save the segments to a flash drive and how they are all display on the screen. I also looked at the tutorials, but found nothing to help me.

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