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The reason it's not included is performance mode requires the computer - so that information is displayed on the computer screen. If you use export mode, you would have that additional information on the XZ display.
it would be nice if there is an option to see on the XDJ-XZ Display in Link mode and Performance mode in recordbox when scrolling thru the playlist more informations as only the title. When pressing the info button on the xdj actually there is then a white square with the CoverArt. I would like to see there the interpret, time, bpm, key, etc like when using usb sticks.
The reason it's not included is performance mode requires the computer - so that information is displayed on the computer screen. If you use export mode, you would have that additional information on the XZ display.
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I totally agree with Philipp - please make this possible.
@ Pulse: Come on, i know that if i wants to see these infos, i have to use actually expord mode while using RB. Thats why i wrote "and". Your Answer is no real reason, if the XDJ can display the CoverArt which is also on the screen of my mac and a Info,Variable of the marked Track, then it can also display the other informations, Variables from the Track. When i Load the Track in performance mode to one of the 4 Decks, i can see these informations by pressing the Info button. So why not while Browsing?
The reason why I need this feature:
I'm streaming with OBS and I take there a live-screen capture of the Rekordbox waveform and title IDs. So i have to be in the performance mode to see this in the streaming video - there is no other solution for this.
@Pulse: Why I need to see the cover at my XZ?! I also can see the cover at computer - for me this is a very bad argument, because a cover has no important information for me.
I agree with Nat & Philipp, it is quiet frustrating that such a useful feature isn't possible.
And I agree with Phillipp @Pulse, that isn't an answer/reason at all. Export mode shows, that it is possible to see these information on the display. These are very useful information while browsing through tracks on the console. Just the fact that I have a computer screen available at this moment doesn't mean that I don't want to use the display on the console.
If you say you don't need the console display while you're in performance mode, you could also have disabled the display altogether. I'm glad you didn't do that. But you randomly chose to leave out a very useful feature.
When you perform live with a computer available, you use Performance Mode. This is why you guys @Pioneer called it "Performance Mode". What sense does it make, that you can't see essential track information on the display of an very expensive console when you're performing?! No you're stuck with a CoverArt which has no real use at all?
Please add this feature because the lack of it makes me really disappointed.
I couldn't agree more with this feedback. You should be able to search and browse properly on the controller without having to refer to your mac or PC when accessing the on-computer Rekordbox library.
I have to admit i am shocked this feature is not existing on Pioneer.
I really can't believe it, Traktor has had this feature since like 2011 so over 10 years haha and on equipment that is made for Djs a such important detail that knowing what bpm or key the next song is in, wont show on the screen when you are browsing the playlist, i mean seriously that is crazy.
I am very very disappointed after playing on a xz because that is such a important detail for me to keep it creative and i don't want to look at a computer screen i want to be connected with my mixing table.
Is this seriously not something a huge team probably of people working on these controllers never thought about in the past 10 years haha because the feature is out there. Im sorry but i am just really disappointed how such a key feature to a dj is not there and you have to look at a computer and interrupt your workflow away from your decks.
yes, this is a feature that should be there in performance mode. there's stuff you can do in performance mode that you can't do in export mode. another lame answer from pioneer dj, because no one wants to put in the work for this feature.
Wow, well that is disappointing. My first hour of using my new controller that is 100x more expensive than my Traktor S2 and I can't see basic info like BPM and Key when browsing if a PC is connected? I came here hoping for a solution for such basic functionality. Surely its a no brainer to let us decide what columns we see in the browser window, regardless of what mode we are in? The very first thing I turn off in Traktor is the images, to give me more room in the window for actual information that is useful. Why does anyone need a partial image (or in most cases a default cropped icon)?