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Hi All

I am pulling my hair out, can anybody assist. I have a 500 GB ssd and want to use it for mt XDJ r1.  I cant get the usb on the unit to recognise the drive at all.   I have Mini tool partition wizard and made the MBR to fat32 55 gb at 32KB.  and the second partion to the same with 407 gb.   I made the master database on the first section. and its listed as a device.

The unit wont see the drive at all .  I tried palying around different ways and for a moment it saw the drive and said empty. for the life of me i could not get it back to say that.  Any ideas about how to help me use my old R1

Dave Ward Respondida

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Hi Dave,

It could simply be that the drive's management chipset is not compatible with the USB manager in the XDJ. 

Standard disclaimer: Pioneer DJ does not guarantee 100% compatibility with any USB drive. Functionality of one drive does not guarantee functionality of another identical make / model drive. Manufacturers are known to change the memory controller chip per availability or cost, and as a result, there is always a chance that a drive may not be compatible with the player host chipset. Recommendations or the results of another user may not be the same for you and your drive.

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