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Stuck Midi notes

When sequencing external midi gear there seems to be a major problem with midi notes sticking after playback has stopped.  For instance my Nord A1 will hold notes after the SP16 has stopped playback.  Never had this problem before with any of my gear, actually have not had this happen since 2001 when I was sequencing midi with a E-mu Proteus 2000 module.  This box has so much potential, please continue to fix and update!

Kevin burnstein

Commentaire officiel


Hi Kevin,

Our Toraiz engineers tried to replicate the issue you kindly reported, but they have failed so far.
Will you please ask the customers to send us the project files, if possible saved using SaveAsPackage? If you make an inquiry here https://rekordbox.com/en/support/inquiry.php I can forward it straight onto the engineers.
Also, which firmware version did you use and what MIDI settings in Utility?



Stephen Herdman
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3 commentaires


FWIW I had this same thing happen two days ago with a Keytep and MicroBrute. Maybe that will help the Toraiz team troubleshoot.

James Womack 0 votes
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Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your feedback. I have fed this back to our TORAIZ engineers.

Best regards,

Pioneer DJ Support

Stephen Herdman 0 votes
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