Commentaire officiel

Hello Sameh,
Which computer OS and its version do you use?
Also, we would like to know the driver version you already installed.
For Windows10:
From Start Menu > P > Pioneer and run "DDJ-SZ Setting Utility."
For Windows 8.1:
From Start Menu > Start > Apps > Pioneer and run "DDJ-SZ Setting Utility".
For Windows7:
From Start Menu > All Programs > Pioneer > DDJ-SZ and run "DDJ-SZ Setting Utility".
Open "About" tab in DDJ-SZ Settings Utility and check the Driver version shown there.
The correct driver version is:
For Windows 10: 1.110
Windows 7 and 8.1: 1.103
The latest firmware version: 1.20
If the versions shown in the Settings Utility is not the correct ones, please uninstall the current one and install the correct version.
CRM, Pioneer DJ