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Cannot record in rekordbox 5.0.1

When I try to record in Rekordbox, I cannot get any levels on the recording level indicator regardless of the position of the recording level knob:

After calling support, they suggested that I open an inquiry.  How do I do this??

DJ J1Love

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26 commentaires


Are you using a hardware controller with rekordbox?

Can you please post a screenshot of your rekordbox > Preferences > Audio page? This one:

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse, I am using a DJM 2000 nexus and 2 CDJ 2000 nexus 2's, also I went ahead and initiated an inquiry ticket (39449), if you don't close this post, I'll post a screenshot in a few hours


DJ J1Love 0 votes
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@DJ J1Love > You want to assign the DJM as the audio device, then open the DJM's configuration tool to make sure you have at least one of the inputs assigned to the REC mix, and select that as the recording input within rekordbox.

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse, here is a related question.......when I use my DJM as the sound card (as you suggest), do I need my CDJs to also  have a usb connection to my computer or does their LAN (Pro Link) connection provide control and audio through the mixer??  I tried this setup, but it does not seem to work.  I figure I'm missing a basic principle with this setup.......

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Yes and no. The mixer must be connected directly, but you need to have ONE of the CDJs connected via USB, the others can be linked to the first one, but you also need to have the USB Connection (Link Export) driver installed.

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse - I tried to assign the input record to a different channel, but it would not change from Master Out......still no levels on my record meter as well.......also, I had to connect BOTH CDJs to my PC via usb to have control over my rekordbox library; I installed the driver using the link you provided with no change....

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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I thought the DJM-2000NXS had combined the audio interfaces ... you may need to install ASIO4ALL and then use that as your audio device within rekordbox, activating both the DJM's audio interfaces to act as one device.

Pulse 0 votes
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 IIRC ASIO4ALL is free, so I'll try it next week and update you here with my results

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Correct - and if you need more detailed instructions, please let me know.

Pulse 0 votes
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OK, thanks for the ASIO4ALL suggestion, but to go back to my original issue, how do I record in Rekordbox??  I am still not getting any levels......

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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With ASIO4ALL you are creating an aggregate device of the two DJM-2000 audio interfaces; the input and output. Within rekordbox, you'll end up selecting the ASIO4ALL device as the "audio interface," then you need to configure the outputs for ASIO4ALL (in whichever configuration matches the channels you'll be using on the mixer) and the recording input to be ASIO4ALL as well.

Only then will you receive input signal in rekordbox for recording.

Pulse 0 votes
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Looks like I will need those detailed instructions.  After installing ASIO4ALL in the Pioneer driver directory and choosing it as my  audio interface, I cannot generate sound through the mixer at all.  I can generate sound through my computer speakers.  I must not be configuring something correctly.......PLEASE HELP.

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Can you post a screenshot of your ASIO4ALL window? Be sure to click the wrench icon to put it in Advanced mode, and expand (open) all of the available devices.

Pulse 0 votes
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Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking me for.........I hope this is what you requested.  If so,I do not see my DJM2000 nexus listed.......

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Was the DJM-2000 powered-on and connected at the time?

Pulse 0 votes
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It was not connected.  Here is a screen shot of the DJM2000NXS connected by itself..........

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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I also took a chance and connected both CDJ2000NXS2's along with the DJM2000NXS - Here is that screenshot.......still have the same problem.

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Next, I get NO SOUND from either configuration.  The only way I can record  and get sound is to use an external sound card plugged into the mixer's phono rec out terminals (while its usb is UNPLUGGED) & using a DAW (AUDACITY).

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Lastly, I plugged in a USB stick in CDJ #2 with both CDJ's unplugged from my PC's USB ports.  I was able to use the ProLink connection on the rear of my DJM2000NXS to load songs on both CDJ's, and I got sound when I switched channels 2 & 3 to Line, but I still cannot record in Rekordbox.  PLEASE HELP!

DJ J1Love 0 votes
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Been a bit busy this week, but email me and we'll try and arrange a screen share to get you sorted.


Pulse 0 votes
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