I would like to know as well, I am having the exact same problem.
S’abonnerDJS-1000 Midi Not Working!
I just hooked up the Toraiz AS-1 to the DJS for the first time, all connections are like i had them on the Toraiz AS-1 To Toraiz SP-16 but i'm not getting any response when pads are pressed nothing happens,i can see the midi OUT indicator flash on but not the midi IN,i checked all the settings on screen and I am familiar with it since it is like the SP-16,Is there an update we waiting on for this fix,or is something more that i may not know about?
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I read that you need the cc parameters volume on. But i can't find the cc paramaters volume. can someone tell me how i can find that
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You can choose between USB MIDI and DIN midi if you press SYNC on the touchscreen from the home screen.
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