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Pioneer ddj flx6 sound card

Please please could someone help me. Where can i get a soundcard replacement for my controller ddj flx 6 mine got damaged completely . Or how can i get it fixed. Anyone please assist. Thank you
Simba Vhurumuku Répondu

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5 commentaires


There was a power surge which completely switched of my controller. When i went to get it checked the soundcard was damaged nolonger responding or linking to my laptop at all. If you conmect to the laptop tge controller switches on but dosent connect to tge laptop

Simba Vhurumuku 0 votes
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As a point of troubleshooting, have you tried connecting to a different computer? It could be the computer itself which has a fault.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yes i tried everything even changed cables and all. The tech guy was suggesting i look for the flx6 mainboard assay, that is the only way the controller can start working again. I dont know how you could assist. Thank you

Simba Vhurumuku 0 votes
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