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auto masterdeck


I really like red lights on the online online decks and cue link function. I don't like auto changing masterdeck with crossfader position. When I play from 4 decks and I often use crossferter to cuts between the tracks the masterdeck is changing and changing.. Its very annoying Can I disable auto masterdeck? Or i have to remove DJM-900nxs2 from DJ link?

Piotr Buławski Répondu

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You can disable the ON AIR status in the player UTILITY menu.

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Thanks for the answer. It will be great if we can have red lights on decks and auto master deck changing in 2 separate options in utility. I really like red lights on decks, but I don't like auto master deck switching between the decks when i mixing using crossfader cuts left to right. So I have to decide to have both option at once or not? I can't off only auto master deck function and still had red lights on? I think it's not so difficult to make this options separate in next firmware to CDJ-3000. Is this possible to do in the future firmware updates?


Piotr Buławski 0 votes
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