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Core abo required to control my CDJ's 2000NXS2?

the DJM 900 NXS2 and the 2 CDJ's 2000 NXS2  and my Mac are all properly connected, and via aggregate i can play the rekordbox tracks via my Dj mixer 900, but when i try to select and press the rotary buttons on my CDJ'S the rekordbox symbol does not appear and therefore i cannot choose my dj deck ("choose rekordbox dj deck") does not pop up. does this mean i have to subscribe the rekordbox core plan? as my CDJ's are not listed under Hardware Unlock ?! please advise. Txs.

Hank Répondu

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currently  i have the Free Rekordbox Plan. Do I need to switch to Core or other Rekordbox Plan so that Rekordbox recognizes my CDJ's ?

Hank 0 votes
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