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CDJ-TOUR1 into CDJ-2000NXS


Would it be possible to transform a CDJ-TOUR1 into a CDJ-2000NXS?

Unscrewing a CDJ-TOUR1 and getting rid of the extra screen and the "side plastic" so you end up with something  exaclty as a CDJ-2000NXS.

Would that be possible? My question is legit, I'm thinking about buying a second hand CDJ-TOUR1.

Thank you.

Mlxpt Slrnb Répondu

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6 commentaires


I am sure it is possible being it is just an add on screen, probably a ribbon cable and some screws but it may be easier and cheaper to just buy a second hand CDJ2000NXS, you can probably even get the NXS2 second hand cheaper then the tour1

BriChi 0 votes
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Thanks for answering. Obviously I'm asking this because I have the opportunity of buying a pair of cheap TOUR1's, otherwise I wouldn't even bother.

Let's see if anyone else can confirm that It's possible to convert a TOUR1 into a 2000nxs2

Mlxpt Slrnb 0 votes
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you may not get confirmation that it is something you can do being Pioneer won't want you to do it and no one else probably has done it to say 100% that it is doable

However, I looked at the schematic that I can't post here im sure and it looks like the screen is its own assembly and can be unscrewed and unplugged via a ribbon cable. 

this is a shot from their service manual on Pioneers site so I guess I can show this at least <SNIP>

BriChi 0 votes
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Thank you very much BriChi.

Now I'm wondering, if I take off the extra screen, will the tour1 behave like a 2000nxs2? I mean, will it show the browser on the "normal" screen instead of the extra screen? (as it usually does)

Mlxpt Slrnb 0 votes
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exactly, unfortunately you may not know because I doubt anyone has tried and I know Pioneer support will most likely not tell you being they don't know what may happen in the end and then you blame them for something breaking, its a tough spot to be in

BriChi 0 votes
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