try adjusting the master attenuation in the main menu and see if it is set to a lower setting you can raise up
S’abonnerXDJ RX3 Low Volume
I'm using my RX3 for a while now and I noticed I have to push the master volume very high to reach a proper volume. I've been using other Pioneer (XZ) and Denon (Prime Go) and they were much louder at lower points which makes me think my RX3 unit might be damaged and I need to use warranty. Is this normal?
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7 commentaires
It's already set at maximum value so it shouldn't be the problem in this case
Well, there's not a lot of information to go on ... so Brian's answer wasn't unreasonable. Don't downvote just because it didn't help you.
Have you got the trim at a nominal level?
How are you connecting the outputs? Is it the same problem with XLR and RCA?
Yes, trim levels are at 12 o' clock and the problem is the same using XLR or RCA cables
Okay, but still not much to go on. When you say "proper volume," what exactly do you mean?
I'm mostly comparing in this case to the XZ, which was much louder at the same levels (trim/master)
There are some differences in the gain stages of different products; not all trim knobs are created equal. For example, the SX3 is FAR more sensitive than the SX2 because users complained that they needed larger amounts of gain for older recordings.