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Mac Os Ventura Compatibility with DJM900 Nexus??

Hi! I have been having this issue all day where my DJ software (Traktor) on my new Mac won't connect to my mixer (DJM900 Nexus)/CDJS (2 CDJ2000 Nexus') in HID Mode. I downloaded the DJM900 Nexus driver to my new mac and was so confused why it still wasn't working. Then I realized that my Mac just updated and is now running the Ventura update. I went to look at the DJM900 Nexus drivers and it didn't mention anything about being compatible with this new Ventua update. Can anyone from Pioneer let me know if it is impossible to use a DJM900 Nexus Mixer with the Ventura update? Thank you! 

Abigail Canelle Répondu

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It's a real shame that your hardware is so good that some venues I play in still use the DJM-900NXS.  (One of my venues has the newer mixer but it's currently being serviced so they reverted back to the NXS1 over the weekend)  So I really wish Pioneer would have a change of heart and support it with firmware updates 😢 - it's just not viable to keep the rest of your software and OS out of date because of one mixer that might pop up from time to time in places you play.  Plus to be honest updating its firmware is good will towards Pioneer's loyal user base, particularly the many paying a subscription on Rekordbox who would hope this ongoing fee would cover driver support. 

Up until this weekend it was manageable as it only dropped out for a few seconds but now it's actually freezing until you unplug and replug the mixer back in which was scary in a big room club in front of 500 people over the weekend!

Obviously you just manage the forums and make support videos Pulse but if there's anyway to pass on the feedback to the powers that be, It'd be really greatly appreciated from a loyal Pioneer user who has happily spent much money on equipment and software over the years :-)

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