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Rekordbox mobile - compatible hardware

Dear Pioneer, now that Rekordbox mobile has got a great update, do you have plans to support other FLX hardware or even other Rekordbox controllers, such as the DDJ RR?

"When you’re ready to step up, you can connect your iPhone/iPad to professional equipment such as the CDJ-3000, XDJ-RX3, or XDJ-XZ, then use the hardware to play the tracks saved in the rekordbox mobile app." - are those models you mentioned only mentioned for sales or only these are planned?


Tamas Kakulya Répondu

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Sorry, only the DDJ-FLX4 and DDJ-200 are supported for performance however the other supported hardware units are all using rekordbox mobile the same as they use rekordbox (desktop) in export mode.

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2 commentaires


Good question!

I'd like to know whether it will ever support the ddj 400 controller and also if the flx4 works with the app through a hardware unlock, or whether you need a paid subscription

cdjbasile 0 votes
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