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CDJ-3000 Internet Problem

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble getting the CDJ-3000 to connect to the Internet.

Network diagram:


  • If I directly connect to the TL-MR3020 router via WLAN, the notebook connects to the Internet successfully
  • If I connect a notebook directly to the TP-LINK-TL-SF1008D switch via RJ45 cable, the Internet connection works correctly.
  • When I ping from the wireless network I get a response from the CDJ-3000.
  • The CDJ-3000 finds the MacBook device connected via WLAN.

Rekordbox Config (Creative Plan - Trial) + CloudDirectPlay Enabled:

Device USB Auth ("USB"):

Error Internet connection:

Assigned IP address and latest version of CDJ-3000 firmware:

Ping test from wireless wlan connection to CDJ-3000:


Please someone help me

Victor Gutiérrez

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Yes same issue here..
You fixed it already Victor?

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