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DJM 2000 Update Review


I'm not quite sure if I should be happy or disapionted!

First: The new Reverb is absolutely sick. This rocks defenitly especially when you're doing some crazy electronic stuff or trance!!! :-)

But: The ne quantized feature doesn't work very precise. I tested it now nearly 2 hours but for a long distance it doesn't fit very well, f.e. by the echo effect! The effect still "ran away"! It is nice for short things like trans or delay or things like this... I hope it'll be improved in the future!

And now I've got very big problems with the mastering because of the new output level of the noise and the sidechain effects!!! When you're NOT mixing in the red for soundquality, like the whole world, you blast you mix! You have much too less space in the fader for the sidecahin now!!! You have to be very awake that the effect is not killing the whole set.



Secound: I'm a bit disapionted about how litte new features came along. I was really looking forward to this update in hope for more effects and much more useability. I was hope, that the inst fx become a 100% fade (jet, the filters)! This is very important for breakdowns with the jet!!!

And also was hoping, that there will be some new effects from the djm 900, f.e. in the saidchain or even some crazy new, never seen before stuff... :-(

I also hope, this will come in the future, hopefully not even in a year! :-)




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@Xador > Biting the hand that feeds you eh?  ;)  j/k

The engineers were able to squeeze quantization into the mixer's effects and I think that's pretty damned impressive.  If it's not working properly for you, be sure to check that your tracks are properly grid'd in Rekordbox and that you have the QTZ and GRID lights displaying on the mixer; just showing QTZ doesn't mean it will work, it just means it's on.

I'm with you on the sidechain volume - WAY too loud.

The jet fade was probably overlooked but will be re-submitted in hopes they can adjust that when they correct the sidechain volume.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey Pulse, you missunderstand me! I'm just trying to help to improve the mixer! And yes, the 100% Fade of the jet an the filters is wished by many of us!
I work with this thing twice a week and nearly every day privat, so I think I know what I'm talking about! This mixer has so much potential but Pioneer doesn't even recognize suggestion emails! That's a bit frustrating!
And the sidechain... Sorry, I nearly blow my speakers up the first time! Does no one of the engineers test this?

Xador 0 votes
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Xador is right! I have been using this mixer for a long long time now everyday for hours and hours.. and the quantize for most effects is really bad! I checked everything in Rekordbox/Grid.. and its not the files or anything...


Try doing sliproll for example.. once with Quantize on, and one with quantize off..

Most effects are not locked very tight, in my opinion some effects where tighter without these new quantisation

Also the volume of the sidechain and noise is a little to high  IMO

Overall I am very glad Pioneer  finally made an update for the DJM-2000 but don't you guys EVER test these updates!?

This is again an update which isn't tested properly.. unless you guys use deaf djs to test these new pio updates ;-)


F!RMWAR3 0 votes
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And quantize:
I have quantized correctly in Rb and tested it with different simple stupid bass/beat lined techno song. And yes, quantized is on at the mixer and also the grid! :-)
I start runing after I would say half a minute - 1 minute away!!! Try with echo, there you see it most clearly. :-)

Xador 0 votes
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I agree with Xador, after having tested all.

Filter and Reverb effects are better especially the Reverb.

The Noise and Sidechain are far too high and bring the saturation really very unpleasant. The level of the version 1.28 was good.

The Oscillator4 is much better than before.

I think the most urgent is to make a new update to reduce levels of Noise and Sidechain.

And then:

  - Improve the Quantize (see to put the correct bpm as the CDJ2000 with decimal xxx*, xx* bpm)

  - Change the Gate to be more flexible as the DJM900nxs

  - Change as the Trans DJM900nxs

  - Slightly increase the level of the Sidechain Sampler

Too bad this new update is marred by too high levels of Noise and Sidechain. I wonder if I should not stay in version 1.28 because of it.

smile-jg 0 votes
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Jep, I'm with you smile-jg!

But most important:

  • 100% fade of the jet and the filters in the inst fx

  • gain of the sidechain


And maybe some sugestions like:

  • @ the new rever, it would be awesome to set the lengh of the tail by turning the freq. kobs from 12 to end, like in the echo! Then you've got the ability of roomchanging and of lengh of the reverb!!! :-)

  • Maybe it would be awesome, when you using the sidechain sample, that if no frequency is selected, you get a 4 beat loop to play with, like a roll! Imagine how crazy stuff you can do by changing the pitch with a finger

  • And also, if no frequency is selected, you can use the os, 1-4 as a drumpad, just bei hitting the touchscreen! :-)

  • And maybe, it should have a high pitch at the zip effect too, but I don't know exactly, how to realise it with the parameter knob...


Maybe, some of the Pioneer guys (Pulse, Gavin, Jay) could pass these suggestions along, it would be very nice! :-)

But the new reverb, man, I defenitly love this thig! IT ROCKS!!!

I hope these things will come and maybe some new stuff to the sidechains, 'cause then, it is the most complete mixer for me!!!



Xador 0 votes
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"The jet fade was probably overlooked but will be re-submitted in hopes they can adjust that when they correct the sidechain volume."


Mark90 0 votes
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Overlooked?!? Not seriously... XD


Jap, it isn't just the fade of the jet, I think, the faders should get a 100% fade as well!

I have done a little list, with wishes an suggestions! Maybe, it helps and we can discuss about it:




-          The mixer definitely needs a 100% fade of the jet AND the filters in the inst fx section!!!


-          The gain/volume of the noise and side chains MUST set down maybe to the old level or a bit increased! I nearly blow up the sound system when using it the first time!!!





-          It would be nice to have the full bpm in the screen (with decimals), f.e. 128,34 bpm!


-          @ The new reverb, it would be awesome to set the length of the tail by turning the freq. knobs from 12 to end, like in the echo! Then you've got the ability of room changing and of length of the reverb! This is very important by doing some melodic music (Trance, House), because you can splash out vocals or melodies without changing the pitch like with the room size :-)


-          It would be awesome, when you using the side chain sample, that if no frequency is selected, you get a 4 beat loop to play with, like a roll! Imagine how crazy stuff you can do by changing the pitch with a finger


-          And also, if no frequency is selected, you can use the oscillators 1-4 as a drum pad, just by hitting the touch screen! :-)


-          And maybe, it should have a high pitch at the zip effect too, but I don't know exactly, how to realize it with the parameter knob... (Your creativity is asked!!! J )


-          New Effects to the side chain


I hope, this become listen to! :-)


THX, Greetings!


Xador 0 votes
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GREAT Posting Xador! Agree with most of your points.


Benno Revelli 0 votes
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@Xador > I'd likely see the jet change implemented but not the filter; it's a good thing it doesn't fade 100% on the extreme ends; if you want that, use the EQs set to kill!

Many of your other suggestions (drum pad), may require more memory or power than the mixer has remaining but that's not to say they wouldn't be considered for future products.

Pulse 0 votes
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@ Pusle:
First, thx for answering!
The fader thing you missundeestood, I want, that the filter it self let its fade out by turning the parameter to left! Let's say you do highpass filtering and you filter in, than it wold be nice, that you can fade with the parameter knob the filter out!

And a question about the sidechain drumpad:
Why more memory? The effect is still on board! Just the touchparameter should be implemented!

It would be nice, if you passing this list to the engineers, maybe they can do some of it! A lot of us here in the forums and outsides have the same wishes! Thx very much!

Xador 0 votes
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@Xador > I did understand - I'm standing in front of my DJM-2000 right now.  ;)

The memory requirement would be for the programming, not the sounds.

Pulse 0 votes
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Ah, ok! Just a DJ, no programmer! ;-)
Would you nevertheless pass it around?

(Sorry for my bad English, wasn't the best @ school! ;-) )

Xador 0 votes
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It is pity that it seem all the effort was for nothing!!!


Xador 0 votes
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Still waiting...

Missing the proclaimed interessting from Pioneer for costumers suggestions by Gavin! Like I read in some other threats it seems I'm not the only one who's unhappy about the product support by Pioneer...

Only thing I always hearing is "not enough memory" or "buy a watch" or similar qualifies comments! Never heard any "ok, maybe we'll have a try" or "it could be a great idea" or EVEN A "WE PASS IT FOR DISCUSSION TO THE ENGINEERS", because I think they have to decide what is possible or what isn't!

Xador 0 votes
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@Xador > What exactly are you wanting in terms of information?  Do you want us to give you a yes/no answer?  Because we don't have one.

Pulse 0 votes
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I really hope this firmware for the djm is going to be perfected with time..

F!RMWAR3 0 votes
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@ Pulse:

I know you cannot say yes or no! I want some infos if the suggestion are passed over and someone @ pioneer, the engineers, are talking about! I mean these suggestions are things a lot of us would like to see! But I never get any feedback that someone took even notice from them!

And also yes, I would like to know the results of the discussion, if it's technically possible or not and if they will realize it in future or not!

Xador 0 votes
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Fader Start not working while in Serato Internal w/CDJ's in HID. Is this a Pioneer or Serato Firmware problem?

mark griffin 0 votes
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Oops! Forgot, that's Fader Start on the DJM2000.


mark griffin 0 votes
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That's normal; the players aren't sending link information when in HID mode.

Pulse 0 votes
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other potential improvements for another update:

post fader effects, like the 900/850

change the gate to have more of an impact like the 900

on the sampler, rather than just being able to record from the master or the microphone, can you make it so you can record a sample from any channel

also some of the effects from the 900 aka spiral etc, is there no way to implement that onto the xy pad on the touchscreen? + then have greater control over them too?


and then all the other obvious ones like side chain stuff and noise.. 




Charles David 0 votes
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I actually am a little disappointed in Pioneer.. Each time they release an update which has glitches or issues for the majority of people it takes ages to develop a fix.

Like this update, the noise and side-chain levels or WAY to high

F!RMWAR3 0 votes
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also its a little cheeky.. but like the rmx has the interface on the computer to change all the settings? is there no way to implement something like that onto the new mixers? doesn't have to be flashy! but a way to customise all the parameters? that way people can change stuff to their hearts content! 

Charles David 0 votes
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Asked some Pioneer Guy's on the Musikmesse 2012 for any new Firmware Release of the DJM 2000.

They said there is no Update planned so far.

It finally made me crying :'(

eLem3ntx 0 votes
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@eLem3ntx > They wouldn't be authorised to tell you either way.

Gavin 0 votes
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While development on the DJM-2000 firmware has been much, much slower (in the public domain at least) than people had hoped for, we just have to wait it out and see what comes (applying a bit of gentle, constant, niggling pressure along the way, of course! ;-) ).  Don't expect any Pioneer rep to tell you anything though, that's even less likely to happen than the Happy Christmas competition prizes being fully awarded! :-D

Mark90 0 votes
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LOL @ Mark.

There are updates on the way, but there's no timeline info we can give you.

Pulse 0 votes
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