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DJM-900 & Traktor Pro 2 calibration

Two months ago there were some interesting developments concerning calibration issues with the DJM-900

and the new Traktor Scratch Pro 2 software.

Issues I witnessed myself when connecting my macbook to a rental DJM-900.

the discussion was in this thread: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/20245662

I haven't been following up on this, but can't seem to find any information regarding if the problem has already

been resolved.  Pulse promised a solution was coming up. 

My question is simple, is there a solution? other then installing the latest drivers for the DJM-900 on my macbook

(which I did).  If any DJM related firmware update should be done, where can I find it, so I can advice our tech firm

to do so, so that I can use their DJM-900 in upcoming gigs in two weeks! :-)

thanks for any info! 

Gery Duyck

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The latest update hasn't fixed anything unfortunately. The software still sporadically calibrates and doesn't sometimes.

Ryan Taylor 0 votes
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damn! :(

was hoping for this issue to be solved :/

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Sorry guys, the last update addressed these issues:


- Fixed an issue that 24 bit was not be able to be selected from DirectX.

- Fixed issue where Setting Utility did not start up automatically when you turned on a computer to which DJM-900nexus was already connected.

- Fixed an issue where if a computer went into the sleep mode while DJ software is playing a track, even when it came back on, it did not play any sound.


- Fixed issue where Setting Utility did not start up automatically when you turned on a computer to which DJM-900nexus was already connected.

The crackling input issue will be addressed in an upcoming release.

Pulse 0 votes
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I hope this problem is addressed quickly. I have used Pioneer my entire DJ career Starting with a DJM 500, then 600, 700, 800, now 900. Also ran the CDJ 1000 MK1's MK2's and currently the MK3's. I even owned the 3000 rackmount mixer and CD Players. I am going to be buying the 2000's. My point is I've been a die hard without a single issue. Now, so far I have had a tremendous amount of issues with Traktor Scratch software / DJM 900 Nexus. These problems are so bad I have to buy a Serato SL2 in order to use this mixer. I cannot trust Traktor Scratch and this board to work together in a live enviorment. I have had many frustrating conversations with Traktor support, changed a million settings, bought another power conditioner, did everything under the sun just to find out that this is a pioneer problem?? Now I am stuck with expensive Traktor software that I can't use because of a pioneer issue? Are we gonna see a viable cure to these issues in the near future? Is there a time estimate when we'll see this fix? Traktor 2.1 has the exact same issues as 2.0.3 with this mixer. I am very disappointed....

Pioneer DJM 900 Nexus

Traktor Scratch Pro 2.1

MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB Ramm Snow Leopard OS 10.6.8

2 x Technics 1210


DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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So I have been having the same issues found the FIX     what you want to do is

1st................ have both cd's or records playing on track 2  while tarktor is closed

2nd............... make sure the nexus utility is opened

3rd.................Start traktor and boom both decks should automatically calibrate


Please let me know if this works for you.............

Dj B12 0 votes
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this is indeed the way that it works.  but, if you are taking over from another dj you CAN NOT put both cdj's on timecode!!!

so basically you're still screwed... 

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Any update on this, iv just swapped from a pc to mac book pro and traktor is refusing to calibrate, il give dj b12's workaround a go tomorrow but on a mixer at this price im not amused :-(

bey0nd 0 votes
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do you mean calibration on windows went 100% flawless?

So the issue is in the mac OSX driver for the DJM-900??

Are you running Lion or Snow Leopard, I have the issues with Snow Leopard.

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Holy Crap I JUST CRASHED!! I am live in front of 2000 people AND I CRASHED!! There was a huge delay in the vinyl control suddenly then no control!! I am tired of this! I updated to the very latest drivers and firmware before I went on. I just got boo'd by 2000 people! The latest update made the issue worse! I am now running on my SSL box since I crashed AGAIN! I want my money back! I'll go back to the DJM 800 and serato! Major FAIL Pioneer!

DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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Oh and did I mention I followed every step that you and Traktor mentioned.. .Still crackling, still medium unkown issues... Can't trust this software at all....

DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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Yep calibration on windows never gave me any issues it worked every time, wasnt my laptop though I was just borrowing it for a few months, now iv had to give it back I bought a mac and my own copy of Traktor thinking it would be fine, unfortunately not! Looking forward to an update to fix this Pioneer...... 

bey0nd 0 votes
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and im also running Snow Leopard was going to go to lion but glad I checked first

bey0nd 0 votes
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well I'm back to using my Audio 8 or Audio 10 soundcard, don't wanna take any risks, but it would be nice

to just plug in the 900 in stead of changing all the cable work...

since this is an issue with the mac driver, Pioneer please update the driver addressing this problem! :-) 

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Just set this thing up and I too am having calibration issues with my control vinyl for traktor 2.

My setup:


Technics 1200 MK2 x 2 w/ brand new Ortofon needles.

Traktor 2.1.1

Black Macbook, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 500GB Momentus XT Hard Drive, OSX 10.6.8

got the "medium calibration failure"... please tell me the fix is soon, I bought this mixer for the sole purpose of not having to set up soundcards at the club...


Steve 0 votes
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So I am gonna man up and admit my crash was due to a bad ground on my one turntable..... Not Pioneer or Traktor issue, I do apologize. Also, crackling and unknown medium issues did seem to get worse with the 1.21 firmware and driver update.

DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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@DJChrisEvans > No worries, either way, the 900nexus drivers should be updated shortly to remedy the crackling issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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Not impressed one bit. I purchased a DJM900 with Traktor Pro 2 and the X1 controller. Do you think itll work ???? NO. ive been on the phone to Pioneer, NI Germany and the shop i bought it from. Everyone is just blaming each others product. Now its looking like its an issue with Pioneer. Not impressed at all. Where does this leave me..... 2 grand in debt for something that i cant even use how i wanted to. Sort it out.

Tony Taylor 0 votes
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@Tony > As noted above, it will work once the update is released next month.  Yes, you will have it working even with your X1.

Pulse 0 votes
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Its Hard to find that this is pioneer's  fault due to the driver not being ready for Lion "Yes they should have had a DEV team on this the minute Apple released the DEV software"  You would figure that Pioneer would at least have the money to have a DEV team to be on top of these issues While there selling $1500 up to $4500 dollar equipment....... RIGHT......... But the real Issue Is Taktor there always late and still are behind Serato which is usually on top of there Game especially when they hand out BETA software to get ahold of there issues in control..... With Native its Like You wait 3 month and its another Fail really 2.1 and is only good with LION not SNOW how ignorant is that OHH but there a work around change you sample rate to 49000 really what ever happened to plug n play........ This Issue Make Dj's Look Bad because there always having to tinker around with the Software in order to get the Job DONE..... VS  SERATO  you Plug n Play and never fails....... My biggest disappointment is they still do not have HID controlling not available I think CUE up with the control Disc in Taktor SUCKS BALLLS --------- What I am tryin to say is I wish Pioneer teamed up with SEARTO rather than Taktor's complicating ass software.......

Dj B12 0 votes
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Thanks @ Pulse. Do you have any idea as to when this might be released. Also im assuming this update will support the time coded CDs as im trying to use my Traktor with my CDJs MKIII ?


Fingers crossed.

Tony Taylor 0 votes
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@DJ B12. 2.1.1 Runs on Lion? I am running snow leopard 10.6.8 and 2.1.1 works on it. I've had and continue to have problems with Traktor 2.1.1 but it is my understanding that DJ's are having issues with Serato on Lion. Also, I run a X1 with the the DJM 900 without Traktor time code and it works great. Very stable. The main issue I've experienced is time code failures..... Also, it's my understanding that there is HID support for the CDJ 900's and CDJ 2000's for Traktor. Am I mistaken? I am getting ready to purchase to CDJ 2000's to pair up with my DJM 900. I assumed that HID was stable with Traktor on these. Please tell me if I am wrong. I agree that it is disappointing for Pioneer to be having these issues with such a great history in the DJ community. 

DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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DJChrisEvans    The times I have seen it work in HID it is very sloppy alot of Latency I have moved to Lion but did revert back cuz once I noticed alot of my VST's for Logic & Ableton did not work with LION...... so I would say that is a different issue.......... As for 2.0.3 I would have calibration issues.... All I am trying to say is I can not rely on Traktor............    Go Serato & Snow ..............  :)

Dj B12 0 votes
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this is not a lion only issue! the driver does not work on snow leopard as well..

so it's really a basic bug in the software, it has nothing to do with operating system..

Gery Duyck 0 votes
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Ok I would like you guys to try this

1st     download the latest djm Nexus driver    http://pioneer.jp/support/download/dj-e/djm-900nexus/driver_download.html

2nd   were going to open that up and do a uninstall   "DJM-900nexus Uninstaller"

3rd   Once that is done and restarts

1st     hit command + Space Bar and type in Disk Utility and open that up

2nd   Highlight the first hard drive  it should start with a number which should be how big you hard drive is  

3rd   Now were going to do a Repair Disk Permission 

4th    get your Snow Leopard install disk from the box you computer came with or from apple  and run it open it like you are going to do an install and then select your language 

5th     Now were not going to do an install so do not click Continue click the back button (<--)  it should ask you if you want to restart click YES

6th     Whats going to happen is that  the computer will reboot from the disk or USB which ever Snow Leopard Program is On ....

7th     Select you language 

8th     Now Look at the top left of the screen on you menu bar go to Utilities and click on Disk Utility 

9th    Highlight the first hard drive,  it should start with a number which should be how big you hard drive is   again

10th   Now Repair Disk    "NOTE' This is the only way to do a Disk Repair  

11th    Once Its Done  go to top left hand menu and go to Utilities  and select start up disk  "Wait a moment for 3 things to show"   DISC - HD - NETWORK Select   HD  and the computer should restart of the Hard Drive and boot normally   eject you Install Disc or USB


12th    Open the DJM 900 nexus driver and Install  Restart the Computer and Viola that should be a very nice clean installed driver  "Note"  You should do this if you are having any problems with Software or Diver's of Any Kind 


If its software issues Un-install it and do this same exact procedure  or   Driver 's

as for Lion you don't need a Disc or USB stick 

Reboot the computer while holding the Option key. Select Recovery HD from the Startup Manager

The Difference is now you see a menu Mac OS X Utilities which you do not use..... Go to the top left hand side of the Menu Bar and select Utilities and select Disk Utility and continue from the 9th step


Have a Good Day ......

Dj B12 0 votes
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Forgot to mention the reason in doing this a lot of dj's instal and reinstall the wrong ways or don't know how to Un-Install programs correctly  which they should use this program called  _ AppZapper   http://appzapper.com/  _to Un-Install Programs or Apps


what happens from not Un-Installing is kernel files , batch files  or keytext files    a digit of letter get counted wrong or miss spelled and can ruin things so a Repair Disk Permission or Repair Disk is needed   especially with drivers ......

Dj B12 0 votes
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First, the player is in standard HID mode with Traktor and the hardware isn't to blame - check how tight the control is with Serato and you can see that it's purely software causing the lag in performance.

Second, there was a change to the core audio in 10.6.8 which caused part of the problem with the audio from the 900nexus and the engineers are working with Apple to find the solution.  The 10.7 issues are related as their core audio drivers are based on the same set.  As I noted above, there is an updated driver due out in November which should address these issues.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey guys, just in case some of you didn't know, the problem is only with Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Lion. OS X 10.6.7 still works with the DJM-900. Some have resulted to re-installing their OS and not updating past 10.6.7. That should solve the DJM-900 and Traktor recording and time-code issues if you decide to go that route.

Thanks for the update Pulse!

@ DJChrisEvans > Yes there is HID control with Traktor and the CDJ-900's and CDJ-2000's, but I think Dj B12 meant there is no "Advanced HID" control with Traktor yet. That would prevent all the lag on the 900's and 2000's.

Foster 0 votes
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So will the "Advanced HID" be ready for the CDJ 2000 soon? Also, thanks for the info about OSX 10.6.7. I'm going to roll back my os to try it. I'm back to using serato for now but would like to negate the sl1 from my setup if possible.

DJChrisEvans 0 votes
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I doubt it - NI seems focused on getting their products tip-top, leaving the competition in the wings with nothing we can do to improve the situation.

Pulse 0 votes
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