@ANDY > It's your product. Any tampers or work done to the product not by an authorized Pioneer Repair Center will void your warranty. Just in case you haven't read over the Forum Rules & Regulations, these forums are not for customizing details or information regarding modifications and personal repairs.
S’abonnerDJM 2000 Remove forward plastic panel ?
Hello, can i remove the front panel of the DJM 2000 ? i will incrust it to my console.
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8 commentaires
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its just a plastic panel ;)
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Looks good.
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Looks great!
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love that setup, great job
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Thx, its not finish, this was before, with the DJM800 http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/389849_10150465847902684_692562683_8954529_1838829171_n.jpg
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There's something wrong with your CDJs, they seem to have some kind of "growth" beneath them! ;)
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héhé, im waiting to have more space at home to buy support for my CDJ's
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