I too, wonder when will this ever get fixed. I am getting impatient for Pioneer's snail pace response!
I went to use the Sidechain effects on the touchpad for the first time in ages and remembered quickly why I don't use them.
Because the effects quickly send my gain levels into the red.
Has this already been addressed or will it ever?
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I too, wonder when will this ever get fixed. I am getting impatient for Pioneer's snail pace response!
Still on the fix list.
Although this is a thread directed towards 2000's effects issues, can the same be said for the 900nxs' effects and that there may be a fix coming for them?
Ha! This was on my list of questions too...I am still searching for something on the Gate effect; thus far, I have found it useless. maybe it's something I'm doing wrong.
As with all updates, we post the information when we have it.
Thanks. Please post now ;-)
I bet the 900 will get an update before the 2000 :(
The day the update was released I called someone from Pioneer that I know has a high reputation *not going to mention him here, but trust me) and told him about the issues.
Over the past 10 months I've been writing,e-mailing and encouraged other DJs to send pioneer their problems and complaints.
Result.. nothing..
It has been a long time. I'm no software Engineer but I can't see changing the levels of effects that big of a job I maybe wrong. They only have to undo what they did with the levels not rewrite all the effects. But if they release some super firmware up date with a heap of new bells and whistles all will be forgiven.
It's not that there's been nothing, they don't just change it because a couple of people complain. They research it, investigate the complaints, see what other DJs who aren't complaining think about it and then if it warrants a change, they figure out what they need to do, how to do it, then test it and finally distribute it. And that's not an overnight process.
WOW, i can't believe a pioneer rep would say something like that. It shouldn't matter if only one person complained, there's an issue with your product. FIX IT.
Thanks for pretty much finally telling us that you guys ain't gonna fix this issue
That's just like a car dealer coming out with a new car and the stereo only works with the volumes on high, are they not gonna fix the problem cause most kids like loud music and only a few people sent complaints? When i bought this mixer, there wasn't an issue with this problem, and now there is and i'm stuck with it. Sh*tty customer service if you ask me. I'm not impressed how you guys are handling this.
I never said it wasn't getting fixed.
Not to be pushy. A couple of people ?? In the closed thread the much anticipated dim 2000 firmware update there were heaps of people crying out for a fix. Even a mod saying it was rediculous (think that was you Pulse) and that was back in December. I know you try to keep everything settled here on the forums. But could you sent please a polite email to the engerneers with a kick up the bum to fix the levels.
Don't take my comment of "a couple of people" literally.
Yes, it is being fixed, they're still working on it.
Glad to hear that Pulse.
I am personally very familiar with the process it takes to get a new SW load to a device as I deal with this in my day job. Everything you mentioned is very true and I totally agree with you, BUT, in my line of work, I am the front line, representing my company on a daily basis. With that, it is my responsibility to assure what my customers want, they get. Of course as long as they are paying and it's reasonable.
Now, who is Pioneer's front line? Is it you guys here on this forums? A couple of things are certain here (without a doubt),
The money has been paid (meaning the mixer was not an entry level priced mixer)
There is no question about us being reasonable. If I may be so blunt, the latest FW that affected the levels is an absolute joke. The Q.A. team that approved this must have been on medication or deaf.
Going back to the top, who do we need to complain to? If it's you guys on this forums, then I think we deserve an update on the status. If it's not you guys, please post contact info of who is responsible for this masquerade.
I hope that you don't take what I have written personally as it is not my intention to make you feel like I am attacking you. Unfortunately for you, you are the one wearing the Pioneer hat today.
I would also like to request one other thing....I know you guys have this rule that you do not talk about future releases and what not....I think it may be time to revisit this one rule. We deserve to know when your team is working on a fix for us as it's plain old CUSTOMER SERVICE.
I thank you in advance for your time on this matter.
+1 What he said...
+1. Interestingly it's about this time each year that Apple normally lets it customers know what its next feature set is going to be for the new iPhone. These customers also invest a lot of money for those products and yet Apple doesn't seem to have an issue letting customer's or competitors know these features prior to release. What exactly is the problem with Pioneer doing the same?
Pioneer has previously announced updates prior to their release but then they'd hit delays in development, or testing / QC didn't meet their standards so they'd have to delay it - and believe it or not, users were more PO'd that a date wasn't met than the fact they were told there was an update coming in the first place.
I'm their first line of defense and you can take out your frustrations on me -- I'll have forgotten them by tomorrow anyhow and carry on as if we're best friends. :D
Wow, I couldn't have been more dissatisfied with your reply!
First of all you should not be "first line of defense" as that would imply we are enemies (by we I mean us owners of Pioneer gear).
Second, you totally dismissed our main concern. WHO DO WE HAVE TO CONTACT TO RAISE CONCERN WITH THIS JOKE OF A FIRMWARE YOU GUYS RELEASED? What's going to happen if I damage my mixer due to the levels being so high? Are you going to suggest we take our mixers to an authorized repair shop? And on who's dime?
Comon' Pulse, I've been here a long time and I love this community but this is a joke. I really don't understand why you still acting all defensive about this issue. Someone F'ed up and that's OK as it happens, just tell them to get off their azz and fix the issue.
I want to be very clear on this next statement: The Pioneer DJM 2000 IS NOT THE flagship mixer as you guys tricked everyone to believe it is and if you guys (Pioneer) insist that it is then that says a lot about your company, and loyalty to your loyal customers.
Same Opinion! Bought the most expensive DJM mixer and now it's not even intuitive as the DJM 900 NX.
The Sidechain Effects are much too loud and the Effects itself are most time useless.
Just add some more Effects like the Filter with Post Fader on the Touch Screen. Or Spiral, Transform Effects. All those Effects would be really Heavy combined with the Touchscreen and the quantize Function.
But the Effects now installed in the Sidechain Section, doesn't really help :/
Hope there will be an update coming.
(Sorry for bad English)
well said untitled
i use it frequently
Okay, so maybe I used the wrong words "first line of defense" - do you take everything I say literally?
The concern has been passed along to product developers, engineering and even the marketing teams. You have been heard - we are the best place for you to make your opinions known. Not even tech support has access to the channels we do.
You won't damage your mixer by running the signals hot - ever seen photos of "professional" DJs who are constantly pinning the red LEDs?
The 2000 is a flagship mixer and you can't compare it with the 900; a mixer which was released AFTER the 2000.
I understand , but about fixing what is already there ... Its already been told. Now and also a long time ago.
We don't need such a long tropic to make our standpoint clear... because pioneer already knows :)
pulse knows we have a problem... nothing more we can do ;)
Good that you made a new tropic, I will tell my meanings over there
Removed the "copy" post as it's already in another thread.