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DJM 2000 Update, still waiting...

It is nearly one year ago, since the last Update for the DJM 2000 was published. It has a lot of bugs and problems, as you see in the forums. A lot of users include myself has reported over the last time about things wich are not working correct or were are issues!


I cannnot understand how ignorant pioneer is and how they treat their customers! It makes me really angry.

For your memory, you describe yourself as "the leader in DJ technology" and you describe the DJM 2000 as your "flagship"! But for me it seems like, you have sold it and now the customers has to look for their own!

For me f.e. the sidechain is in a "live heat" nearly impossible to use, as well as the noise. You run garanteed into red levels. As well as some other things we talk about the last year.

I'm really dissapointed from Pioneer and for me it was the last product from the company which meant to be the "leader in Dj technology"!


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6 commentaires


Pioneer stand in curious ground.  If a fix materialises after all this time, and it only contains the minor fixes, people will heavily question why it took so long, else it could imply a significant lack of resources in Pioneer's DJM-2000 firmware development team.  On the other hand, since it's taking so long, they could be cooking up some major update.

Either way, negativity will get us nowhere.

Mark90 0 votes
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Not negativity, just frustration!

I just wanna have a perfect working gear after about 2 Years.

And it was working fine, till the last update!!! The volume of sidechain and noise was perfect. In fact of this it is unbelievable they have not tested it or even have fixed it til now! You buy a very expensive mixer and they release an update which eleminates some of the usefulness. Some of us bought it beause of the sidechain and the noise!

Xador 0 votes
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Personally I am happy to wait until the end of the year for this fix to the sound levels as I do not have a use for the side chain effects which in my mind sound far to similar to one another perhaps snares Drums N stuff would have made better musical sense for me anyhow ,but I would like to think that Pioneer themselves would be working hard for their customers to fix this issue that they themselves have created before the this year was out and show the proper support for their Flagship mixer this would restore faith in their customer base  and we could move on  ,other than that  my system is the best i've used to date , it rocks my house anyhow .  

D Mark Mills 0 votes
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I have to agree with Xador here..

I am also disappointed towards Pioneer for not taking this thing seriously.. and IF they did and are working on something.. then at least let your customers know and let them know you are aware of it and willing to fix it..


As it is now I doubt I will be buying more pioneer stuff in the future.. 


F!RMWAR3 0 votes
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As previously discussed, the engineers are aware of the complaints and we hope to see an update soon.

Pulse 0 votes
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