This kind of topics are not more than a normal consumer reaction to Pioneer.
I e-mailed them a few times already and I know a lot of people did.
Let's hope they will announce some big update anytime soon because they really lack on this level..
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This kind of topics are not more than a normal consumer reaction to Pioneer.
I e-mailed them a few times already and I know a lot of people did.
Let's hope they will announce some big update anytime soon because they really lack on this level..
Yes F!RMWAR3, and that's why I'm less compelled to part with any more thousands of dollars if Pioneer can't provide the neccessary support.
SOON, is not a good enough answer,especially when Pioneer continues to release further new products but yet is reluctant to correct faulty equipment such as this Mixer.
No doubt just like the last similar thread "soon" will be what the Moderator says before promptly locking the thread.
Ridiculous, the level of support is horrible! they should really throw a decent update out soon which at leasts fixes the broken stuff and if possible offer some new functions or other improvements.
This has taken long enough now..
I hope it comes before the world ends on December 21 :-/
I hope so soon too.
Look what I found here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/PIONEER_Give_Us_A_DJM-2000_Firmware_Update/265957973507463
How Sad.
Facebook sucks !!
I hear soon since 1 1/4 year now...
And @ Pionix, as I wrote I think nearly half a year ago to the same topic... Open your eyes! Fanboys helps no one, especially when there are technical problems which really need to be fixed.
Its not about opening my eyes its about your posting the same thing when it doesn't make a difference,
I know its broke, so i don't use it, posting the same cry week after week hasn't done any good has it?
They will release it when they are ready and that's how it is.
happy bleeting!!
We can no longer rely on the eventual update.
Pioneer renews its range in Nexus so the next update will be the DJM-2000nexus.
If you want the update you will have to pay you the Nexus.
Say 3200 $ :)
That would be ridicilous.. let's hope you are wrong
@Pionix :
Although what you say sounds like it makes sense, it's one of the most uneducated response I have ever heard. You are a passive person and to you, sitting in silence is an acceptable remedy to this crisis. To the rest of us, this is not acceptable. Take a look at history, nothing good ever came out on it's own without a few fights and (as you put it) crys.
As for Pioneer....I think I have earned, and mean literally in the dollars I have spent on your products, the right to say YOU SUCK AS A COMPANY!!!! I refuse to believe the competition is this bad. I will be the first to say that you make good gear but if it is at this cost, you can keep it. Without customer service and customer support, you will soon find your without a lot of us loyal customers. I know you guys don't care (I don't mean the Mods), but it is really sad that your customers have to open a Facebook page to get a message to you. Your company is being run as a joke, you guys should be ashamed of how you have treat YOUR CUSTOMERS.
"it's one of the most uneducated response I have ever heard".
should be
"it's one of the most realistic response I have ever heard."
i have 2 x Cdj2000 / djm2000 / Cdj900 / EFX1000 / Rmx 1000 so i am just as qualified to sit here going on about the money i have spent but the reality is whether we like it or not they work @ their own pace, The money has been spent, get over it, its only money..
i have done my fair share of complaining about rekordbox as its a pile of pants from a programming point of view but its pointless sitting here continuously asking for it to be fixed week in week out when you know that your repetitive asking hasnt worked in the last 14 months.
The mixer is amazing and when they fix it it will be even better im sure it will happen soon ;)
Pioneer are very much aware of your sentiments. We've told them. And we continue to tell them.
All these threads are doing is stirring up unnecessary arguments among each other and preventing other threads from getting the support they should be getting.
We've told you EXACTLY what we've been told. An update should hopefully come soon.
Furthermore, if you guys can't show some respect to each other and keep your arguments civil then prepare for a time out.