Hey! Lucky man.
Hopefully our firmware update is on the horizon.
So as far as I know they are not officially sold yet.. but I guess that is incorrect.
See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_5tM0hObjw
This guy already has one
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Hey! Lucky man.
Hopefully our firmware update is on the horizon.
imagine having that and not having any cdjs LOL
@ Zeus - Yes! I missed that in his Video - he doesn't yet have and cdj's!!
yes it is out
Yes, the DJM2000nexus has begun shipping.
There are quite a few places that have them in stock.
Okay thanks for confirming Gavin.
Why I asked is because I am located in Europe and they are not here yet.
@Jack EDM > Yup, I'm Europe too - but I saw PUSA tweeted they started shipping the other day ;)
Well lets have it then ! ,So can we now have the long awaited firmware update available to download please as it is now the end of November ? Is the djm 2k nxs officially released then or just moving stock ,UK Based Question ?
The products are officially released on the date of their announcement. When they hit the shelves is somewhat a bit of a prediction - all depends on how close you are to Pioneer's manufacturing facility ;)
Fair enough Gavin, you don't give even a little ,, But tell all, do you have experience of the new update and how would you rate the new features for the mk1 in a thumbs up or down way, obviously not all will be realised by the mk 1 without nexus compatable players eg master sync.
If it comes down to nothing more than effort alone then the engineers deserve a huge amount of credit. There's been a few big changes going on in terms of testing, feedback and the rollout of all developed software / products - all which has been facilitated by this forum software. Your feedback, as always, has been hugely valuable.
I'm not avoiding your question, I'm just going to leave up to other people to say what they think when they get their hands on it.
Hopefully we have someone available to make adjustments if needed, to avoid a small but needed fix like the last release.
Having said that, I am sure things will be better this time around.
Also @Gavin: can u please confirm if the 2000 will continue to adopt the SW support now that the NXS is out. What I mean is that we know this new firmware is out or us and we nagged and nagged to get it but it seems like its also for the NXS, what I want to know is if future NXS FW updates will also be available for the MK1 users or what's this a one time thing.
Please confirm within pioneer.
That is something I and many others will be glad to hear as long as this mixer is bug clear that would be a great start but top that with well tested new features , I think Pioneer could deserve a commendable pat on the back and all that bitching in the past may have been worth it if Pioneer changed the way it listens to customers and supports it's customers . Let's hope this is the big one this time.
@walter > The exact same criteria apply to the DJM-2000 as to the CDJ-2000. Where (supportable) upgrades can be made available to the DJM-2000 they will be.
@Mark > Sure, perhaps a little kick in the posterior was needed on this end too. Alas, here we are and hopefully, expectations have been reached / surpassed.
Thanks GMC! Looking forward to it.
Je suis en france et j'ai recu ma djm -2000- nexus
hello Justan decidedly small world
bonjour justan décidément le monde est petit
@ michel franck
mdr yes it is
30th of November. I'm looking forward to this magical zip-file ;)
Yay, end of November. Lets see if we get an update. Maybe they're waiting till 11:59pm tonight. Lol
I am also curious. will the update still come today like promised? reason for asking from my side is that I organised some big events this weekend and I'm also doing some big gigs. would love to test it out!
Are they still working on the FW? Why would they hold on to the firmware if its ready? I am really curious to know the reasoning as the 2K NXS has shipped out. It's just a bit strange IMO.
@walter > o_O
Probably still having issues like usual :(
Look, Pioneer gave a date. Only in the last few hours Pulse and I got an email - there's a bug they're working on and, unfortunately, they've had to postpone the release. It's in Pioneers best interest to release updates - any logical reasoning could see that. But this is exactly the reason Pioneer never have release dates in the past. If you're in the business of programming, you know how things work. And finally, the engineers constantly read the forums for feedback. Please have some respect for the hard work they are doing.
thx for holding back broken firmware's MOST APPRECIATED!!!
November is not over yet again about 4:30
Knew they were having issues. This is pioneer we're talking about :(