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DJM-900 NXS Distortion on REC OUT / Soundcard Recordings

Hey Guys!

I searched and read all the forum but I'm not sure I've found my answer.

I'm trying to record our club sets from the Mixer, we have 2 CDJ connected in Channel 1 (CD/Line) and Channel 2 (CD/Line).

The sound come out perfect from the Master and the Booth, but it comes out distorted from Rec Out and also, if I use the internal soundcard for register, it register everything distored.

I know I have to match the sampling of the DJM, keep the utility with at least -5db but it still sound terrible. Keep in mind I know very well how to make a perfect recording using Ableton.

What can I do? Is the Soundcard/RecOut Broke?

My guess is that everything get distorted from Rec Out/Soundcard if the Channel 1 or Channel 2 Peak level reach the red zone, 10 Db or louder.

I know the same doesn't happen if you register from the booth or master because they act as a limiter so it's all good untill they reach the red zone too.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot.


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15 commentaires


@Midnight > The rec output level is not affected by the master and thus it is IMPORTANT that you keep your channel levels at a reasonable level. I recommend you aim for 0dB peaks on the channels and that way your output will be roughly -19dB (the overhead of the mixer).

If you are using a 900NXS, why aren't you simply running the USB and recording from the mixer's audio interface? That way you will avoid any unnecessary noise and extra digital>analog and analog>digital conversions.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks Pulse for the fast reply!

Yes I'm aware that the Rec is not affected by the Master.

I'm using the integrated Soundcard trought USB too,but still the same problem.

Tonight I'll try keeping the channel level at 0 db and I'll let you know tomorrow if thats work. Thanks!!

Midnight 0 votes
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Hi there

Has this issue been somehow solved yet? I am still facing it with my DJM 900 NXS.

Using a Zoom H1 to record, I too get a distorted noise when recording from the Rec Out, a noise that is not there when recording from a Master output level. 

Simply suggesting that I should use a USB is not solving this problem. It is much more convenient for me to use my little pocket recorder. Could you please explain whether and how this issue can be solved?

Kind regards


Sean Hofland 0 votes
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@Sean > Yes; be sure to use an input level low enough that it does not peak/clip the recording.

Pulse 0 votes
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@Pulse thanks for the quick reply! I did a quick recording putting the input level to the minimum 1 out of 100, but when amplifying the recording (to -5 db), the distorted noise is still there. 

Recording the master out works as long as one does not push the master level in the red zone... I suppose I will try that tonight, but it is strange that the recording out is not working the way one would expect it to.

Sean Hofland 0 votes
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Having the recording volume that low would result in low dynamic range, and result in amplification of any other noise in the system. The Zoom H1 has the capacity to monitor the recording level - try and set your input levels so the levels hit peaks of -6 or -12dB.

Pulse 0 votes
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I tried what you recommended, by setting the input level on the Zoom H1 to 9 to achieve the suggested dB range, but no improvement whatsoever. Just to be clear: I do not know how to alter the DJM rec out level and have not changed it therefore either. 


Sean Hofland 0 votes
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Hi Sean and Pule,

I'm also facing this same issue with the DJM900NXS2 recording to my Zoom 6. The last two times I've tried with this mixer, with nothing in the red, it comes out sounding like trash. I've also tried running the same set up but out of a Gemini mixer, sounds perfect with no issues. I've even taken the Gemini into the red (both the channel and master) and when it clips, it sounds nothing like the recording I'm getting from the Pioneers, flat, hiss, distortion, zero bass...

So, I'm left scratching my head with the only common link between everything being the Pioneer mixers. I'm happy to provide sound samples if it would help get to the bottom of this.

Charlie Shoemaker 0 votes
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Hi Pulse and Charlie

Thanks for sharing your case and your excellent description of the sound the Rec Out puts on top of the actual music, Charlie. Its good to know the issue is general. 

I was able to record a set through a Master channel, but one needs to be very careful to adjust the input level all the time and one will only know whether it actually worked by listening to the whole set.

Recently, I attempted recording through Rec out again with the club's DJM (A 2000 NXS if I remember correctly), without running channels into the red. The sound was terrible again. I am happy to provide sound samples too. 

Pulse, do you have any information on how the Rec Out was tested at Pioneer? What recorder was used, is any additional material needed, is it for some magical reason incompatible with Zoom products? 


Sean Hofland 0 votes
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Hi Sean and Pulse, 


Yeah, I've attempted this 3 more times this week with 3 different Pioneer mixers, both with the Rec Out and Master Out. Following all instructions in this thread, all attempts came out sounding awful and the same regardless of which output I used.

These were all with a Zoom H6 recorder with a Y-cable out of the mixer. I'm trying with an Allen & Heath mixer later this week but everything so far points to an issue between Pioneer & Zoom together as it sounds 100% fine with the Gemini mixer I also tried with. 

Charlie Shoemaker 0 votes
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I have a couple of questions for you guys...

1) Are you running the REC (line level) output into a MIC input? Or have you set the input on the Zoom to be a LINE input? If it's not set as a line input, the mic pre-amp will absolutely cause distortion, even if you're not clipping the output signal.

2) @Charlie, you mention a "Y-cable" - don't use that, as you're summing two audio channels into one and will either get a summing or cancellation.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse, thanks for the quick reply!

The screenshot below shows the front (left) and back (right) of the Zoom H1 I am using. As you can see on the left, the input channel is both Mic and Line in. When plugging in a cable, the Zoom recognises it and displays "Input Line". I do not think I can switch between Mic/Line though.

Clearly, I can only use this recorder with a Y cable. As mentioned before, this works with the Master Out on the DJM as long as I am careful with the output and recording level. However, I do have to put the input level very low (10% of maximum), which is in line with your idea that the channels are summing I guess.

If it turns out that my recorder and the DJM are not compatible, I'd appreciate a suggestion for a set up that is supposed to work.

Sean Hofland 0 votes
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So long as the Y cable is a stereo-RCA-to-TRS-minijack, that wouldn't sum the signal (I don't consider that a "Y" cable in the true sense, even if it has that shape), it would just put the stereo signal to the TRS cable.

The H1 looks like it should have auto-level detection, but the manual says very little about how it works to bypass a mic pre-amp, or if it simply runs all inputs through the same amplification regardless of the type of signal. Does the PEAK light ever illuminate on the H1?

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse

I have tried out recording with auto-level detection through both the rec out and the master out a few more times. Auto-level does not solve the problems for me. If I remember correctly the "peak" light is consistently in the red despite the auto-level being turned on.

Is there any specific test you'd like me to run? I'd be happy to send recorded videos of any set ups you think should work, also the auto-level ones if you like.


Sean Hofland 0 votes
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