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BPM 2013 - Birmingham

So who's going this year?  I've just sorted a ticket and will be staying at the Etap hotel..

I'm sure I have a Pionerd cap some where if some one wants one :)


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I thought it was last weekend and had missed it, till I seen this post.

Staying in the Hilton tonight & tomorrow but depending on hangover on Sunday morning, might only make BPM tomorrow.

n1ck76 0 votes
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See you guys there! It'd be nice to meet you, Mark - I think I may have met you once before, right?

I know I definitely met Nick last year and Chukkel and I go way back ;)

Gavin 0 votes
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@Gavin: It was 2011 when we last met at BPM, although I did want to be there at 2012 BPM to see Kissy & Monsta rock the stand! Any idea what the line up this year or is it another Pioneer closely guarded secret?

n1ck76 0 votes
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Great seeing you guys!

Hope you enjoyed the performances, Nick!

Dave, don't know where you disappeared to on the Sunday (?) but you never re-appeared anyway. Good luck with the festival.

Gavin 0 votes
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Really enjoyed the show on Sat. Shame I got there late and missed Zane but Spoony was good. I had never heard of Hannah Wants till I seen her on your stand but thought she played some cracking tunes!

Was good to see & chat to everyone at Gatecrasher later on, didn't realise till in nightclub that was Mel from the DJ Sounds show. I seen her floating around the stand during the day and thought I am sure I seen her somewhere before..

Unfortunately I didn't get to the show Sunday, both me & wife were feeling ropey the next morning and she didn't want to stick the day around Birmingham. Did you manage to video DJ EZ? He was the one chap I wouldn't minded seeing.

Where all the players at the show synced with the same music library? There was a track on XDJ-R1 for the life of me I can't remember the name of. If they did all have the same playlist on there could you email me the tracklist?

Also what happened about the Headphone competition, did they announce winners? Worth it just for the look on wife's face when the photo came through!

n1ck76 0 votes
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Oh yeah, Zane managed to kill our system twice. Complete blackout!

Yup, that was Mel. They gathered plenty of footage so there's loads of videos to come on DJSounds.

EZ was amazing. Killer set - he was mixing in tracks while they were playing in reverse.

Yup, they were all sync'ed to the same library. I'll try to get the tracklist and send it to you. I'll ask about the headphone winners.

Gavin 0 votes
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Thought I'd say hello on the Sunday so I asked one of the Pioneer guys to point you out Gavin but you were always deep in conversation.  Maybe next year!

Mark90 0 votes
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Damnit! I remember exactly when that was too - I was speaking with a Linux developer at the time when one of guys came over and said someone is here to see you. Hope to catch you next time.

Gavin 0 votes
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Typical - I hope someone managed to record EZ's set.

If you could forward me the tracklist that would be fantastic. Not overly worried about the headphones, I have a pair of 1500's and couldn't really notice much of a difference of 2000's at the show!

n1ck76 0 votes
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@Gav - I was all over the place on Sunday listening to many of the talks, I liked Rob's talk about Rekordbox, I learnt a few things and the guy I was with will start analysing his tracks more now :)  I left about 5pm on Sunday, to drop my friend back off at Leeds.

The Allen and Heath show from Mark E G was proper banging but the sound police told them off loads for being too loud at the same time as Hannah Wants..lol

I was pleasantly surprised about the re-loop gear, I have and always will be a Pioneer guy but the re-loop vinyl decks and headphones seemed pretty spot on, the new cdj they had looked a bit scary but if I had one to use at a gig I wouldn't mind.

So next purchase for me will be a Remix 1000, I think this will be the tool I need to push me in to the studio to start making my own tracks. And when I have enough cash upgrade my 2000's to nexus's to take advance of the newer features.

 I think the XDJ-R1 is a great piece of kit and would be really useful in the smaller places when you cant take some 2000's

Any way it was great seeing you Gav and until the next time have fun :D

MrChukkel 0 votes
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Excellent, we actually had huge feedback for the RMX1000, which I thought was a little unusual given that its been out so long but it only seems now that people are actually looking at it.

Here's a pic of myself with Hatty from DJWorx.

Gavin 0 votes
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