I didn't see anywhere that you hit the RECORD button. ;)
Wonder if anyone can help point me in the right direction here as I can't seem to get the RMX-1000 VST to automate properly in Ableton (on Windows 7).
I've installed the VST and copied the DLL into my VST folder with all my other plugins. I start Ableton, drop a drum loop onto an audio track and hit play.
Next I've dropped the RMX-1000 plugin onto the track and I want to record some effects as I do them on the hardware.
When the plugin opens, the STATUS indicator at the top is not lit up, but Plug&Play, MIDI CH1 etc are lit up. The only way I seem to be able to get the STATUS indicator to light is to** turn off the RMX-1000 and start it up again** which seems wrong.
Once I've done that, STATUS lights up purple, I am able to run the effects using the hardware controller and I can see the controls on screen reflecting what I'm doing with the controller.
However, even if I arm the track and hit the global record button in Ableton, I don't get any automation recorded in the arrangement view as I was expecting.
In the Ableton preferences under MIDI/Sync I have Pioneer RMX-1000 MIDI input set to "On" for both "Track" and "Remote" so I can't work out what I'm doing wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I didn't see anywhere that you hit the RECORD button. ;)
I've hit record - "However, even if I arm the track and hit the global record button in Ableton, I don't get any automation recorded in the arrangement view".
The only way I can get it to record any automation is to click "Configure" on the VST, wiggle a control on screen to add it to the automated controls for the VST, then manually MIDI map the RMX1000 to that control, but this doesn't seem right as it would take forever to get everything mapped out this way and I could have swarn I saw Rik Parkinson just press record and have it all turn up in arrangement view automatically in one of his demo videos...
Okay, there seems to be something wrong as I'm able to record the control changes only when using my mouse to manipulate the VST, but when I use the RMX itself, the control changes are not saved. I'll send a ticket to the engineers to look into why this might be.
Thanks Pulse. Same thing happens here - fine with the mouse but nothing with the hardware controls.
Same for me here as well, keen to see fix :)
Thanks Pulse and Pioneer engineers, Ableton comes to life as expected when I use the hardware controls now with plugin 1.1.0 / firmware 1.3.1!
Still not quite got to grips with this though - it might just be me doing something wrong. Lets say I have a drum loop and i add in some automation for the XPAD roll in the arrangement view. I hit play and it sounds all good, but the second the automated part finishes, the automation lane greys out and won't be heard again on the next loop round unless I hit the "Back to Arrangement" button.
With other controllers this would happen if I were to change a parameter while the loop is playing (e.g. tweaking settings with the controller or session view), but with the RMX it happens every time even if I don't touch the hardware and it means I can only hear the effect once. Turning off the unit or disabling MIDI track input doesn't make any difference either.
I'm probably not explaining it very well, would be interested to hear how you guys get on if you try recording some rolls with the plugin in Ableton and playing them back.
Can you make a video / screen capture?
I've recorded a screen capture which should help explain what I mean: http://youtu.be/h_oWemLJncU
Hopefully it will make a bit more sense once you see it :)
@Matt > That helped me understand it TREMENDOUSLY! Thanks so much, I'll pass that along to the engineers for analysis.
Good stuff, thanks Pulse.
@Matt > Apologies for the delay, the engineers' response is:
Unfortunately, this behavior is due to Ableton's inherent function. There is no other way to avoid this issue than pressing the “Back to Arrangement” button as you are currently doing.
@Pulse, thanks for getting back to me.
I'm glad I mainly use my RMX as a hardware effects unit as these are pretty frustrating limitations when it's used as a VST.
Seems to me that the RMX is sending out a load of MIDI data that it needn't send, kind of like it's polling and sending the state of it's parameters constantly rather than latching them and sending only when a change happens. Obviously I might be completely wrong here and I don't claim to know the ins and outs, just my two pennies really. Doesn't seem to be a problem with other controllers either so I'm not sure it can be entirely attributed to Ableton's MIDI implementation.
But still, I guess it's just one of those things we'll have to live with. Still a fantastic effector when used in a send/return loop so I'm happy!
Sorry - wish I knew more about it myself, I just play and learn all the time!
I´m sorry, but this is not ok!!! it´s an expensive VST/AU, I bought it to do automations in my studio and there was not a word about that it dosent work with Ableton, and to say that the problem is with Ableton is just rubbish, when the rest of the worlds plugin company´s can do it right! with or without external hardware.
You better start work with this problem, or you guys soon gonna loose customer.
/ Morgan
Great news! The issue with automation recording in Ableton Live (as I demonstrated in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_oWemLJncU) appears to have been fixed in version 2.0.0 (29 November 2012) of the VST plugin. Thank you Pioneer :)
For reference, the update is here: http://pioneerdj.com/support/product.php?c=1051&lang=en&p=RMX-1000&t=134 and the version numbers at the time of posting are:
Firmware 2.0.1
Remixbox 2.0.0
VST Plugin 2.0.0
Matt- The issue is still there, I have uppgrade and it behave even worse. Does it work for you?
Have pioneer even tried the last version in Ableton?????????????????
It's working much better for me now following the update. Having tried it a bit more, it's still not perfect though - I think I may have been a bit premature saying it was fixed...
Recording rolls works fairly well, but the scene FX are a bit dodgy, because the value for the buttons seems to stay at 1.0 (on / a line at the top of the automation lane), dispite the fact that it was turned off again during the recording. Tweaking it with the mouse and resetting it down to 0 whenever it should be off can fix it, but its not exactly practical and it ruins the "press record, do the effects, move on with your life" potential!
The same seems to happen quite a lot with the release FX ("release lever" parameter in the VST) - after playing it back, the hardware is all dimmed out and the release fx stays red, when the switch isn't held down.
This is un-Fu#$ing believable. First I had to wait near 5 months to use the damn plug-in in Logic 9. Now I move my work to Ableton for performance and I can't even write automation for the plugin???!!!!! And now they want to blame Ableton!!???? Just as Viklund said, everyone else's plugins work fine, but not yours. Hardly seems Ableton's fault. Seriously, pioneer's programers are either Lazy or just flipping stupid. I guess after 6 months more of waiting, I may find out which one.
I just wanted to add also that the Plugin is effecting the Midi input into ableton, as in it kills all midi input after engaging it. Then, when you try to delete it or change anything in Midi preferences, it gives you the spinning wheel of death (I use OSX obviously). It only took me two hours to finally isolate the issue to the horribly coded plugin. Thanks again for wasting my time Pioneer. I will be sure to edit all my reviews on this so hopefully others won't waste as much time as I did thinking your products would work like they were advertised.
<edit> off!!!!
I'm also having a lot of problems recording automation in Ableton Live, just can't get it to work properly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I'm pretty sure the problems described above are still there. If not, can please someone representing Pioneer upload a video or just explain how to do it properly? It's extremely frustrating that the RMX 1000 is more or less useless in combination with Ableton Live.
Is there any news regarding this problem? Automation recording simply doesn't work in Ableton Live, would be nice with a heads up from Pioneer if you are working on this issue.
@Henrik > From the engineers:
We have updated the firmware several times to improve the automation-related issues so far.
We would like to identify the status of the users who complain about this issue.1) Even when using the latest firmware and plug in, does the issue still exist?
2) If it still exists, please let us know how to reproduce the issue.
Hi Gavin,
I've been trying to pinpoint the problem and it seems like it's the "Release FX" that is causing problems. Without using that effect everything seems fine, didn't have time to test everything, but as soon as the "Release FX" is used it cancels all other recorded effects. It also sticks the RMX1000 in that effect, no lights except the bpm etc. Hope this helps. I actually gave up on using the RMX 1000 with Ableton Live but if I just can keeps my fingers from the "Release FX" lever I might give it another try.
Latest firmware, Plug-in ver. 2.1.0
Nothing work as it should! and I have the last update, both firmware and plugin. Mac 10.8.4, Ableton 8
Bpm blink at 120, my track goes 128 ( auto is switch on)
Roll often become "Muddy" and with lower volym, sometimes even nothing when you hit it.
The plugin needs a effect volym, the volym right now is way to high.
The release fx, lights up the back to arrangement and it all gets lost.
It very often get stuck in a loop when you use more then one effect at the same time and you have to take the vst of the track, is it called "hangs it self" in english? hahaha...
Sometimes I get the feeling that the automation has syncproblems with timming, it never get tight recording of the effect. a problem I dont have with stutter edit (been a drummer for 20 years)