You sure you don't have Ableton open?
Hi I'm having problems tryin to customise my rmx 1000. When I connect the unit to my computer via the USB a box appears saying ,The rmx-1000 is already being used with a different application. Data cannot be transferred until the midi devise is realeased. I have not used the unit atall with any other midi devise I have just took it out the box and plugged it in to the computer ?
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You sure you don't have Ableton open?
@Peter > Are you trying to use the unit with remixbox or with another audio program?
@t-top no mate not got ableton open
@gavin just trying to customise the unit using remixbox mate
I have the same issue.... we have reported this bug at the release..
There are many users with the same problem.
Still no solution :(
I need to use an other pc before it works.
I have no other program open... I really don't know what is wrong!
any news on this ?? it has been reported at day one.... what can we do to solve this problem ?
I have the same issue. I tried disabling the PIONEER RMX-1000 MIDI device from my device manager and then i restarted my pc. it worked once and then i got the same error back again. i tried doing what i did first but nothing changed. i'm still having the error.
so i advise you to try doing a similar thing, it might work and please it worked tell me what you did.
Please be aware that new firmware is available which I believe should address this issue:
i have updated my rmx to the latest software and downloaded the latest version of remixbox but im still getting the same problem. Still says the rmx is being used with a different programme. Really starting to piss me off now. When i turn the unit on 120 flashes up on the display even tho when i updated the firmware 201 was on the disply then i powerd down the unit and back up 120 was on it. I have fl studio and ableton on my computer but neither of them are open when i try to customise.
I still have the same problem ... the update didn't fix anything for me.
The flashing 120 is normal ...
while powering the unit , hold the TAB and HOLD (mute) buttons. This will show you the firmware version of the rmx
Do users still have problems related to the RMX from this thread?
I've give up trying now Gavin just frustrated me. I'll end up throwing the rmx out the window if I carried on ha. If you have any new info I'll give it a go ?
@Peter > Want to give it a go again... Lets start from scratch and we'll walk through the process....?
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