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[CLOSED] RMX USB Noise when connected

Two questions:

1) Initially I connected the RMX using a DJM 3000 and when I pushed the send/rec button with gains at 12 had a hum similar to low level ground loop.

I wasn't sure if it was interference, so I made up 1/4" cables  with shielding and it made no difference.

Then by pure accident I unplugged the RMX USB plug and the noise was gone.

Any ideas? I sent in a support ticket and they just referred me to a service center location which isn't really an option for me over just leaving it disconnected.


2) Stunned that with all of the face value controls there isn't one for a flanger. Is there a way through settings combinations in Remixbox to create and save one to the SD user card setting? Kind of a noob but determined to learn this device to its best levels.


Thank you, big fan, and couldn't wait to get one of these after Atlantic City show.

Rick Hodgkins

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27 commentaires


I can confirm, I stumbled upon the same USB "noise" problem. Also I went into the trouble of changing cables from balanced to unblanced to RCA untill I removed the USB cable which resolves it.

I am using a Macbook Pro i7 and never had this problem with any other usb devices.

Michael Dawson 0 votes
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I've had all kinds of audio cards, controllers and devices connected to this mac also, and my signal has always been clean.

Really strange that since its release only two people have noticed this and reported it.

At least now I know its not just my RMX doing this and in a shop.

Can this get set up to technical/development for a close look please?

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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I just updated the firmware to the latest version.... seems to at least reduce the hum

Michael Dawson 0 votes
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Thats the first thing I did when I received it, never run anything but the current firmware but mainly due to the compatibility with Remixbox software.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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I've noticed this hum as well, but I didn't know it was caused by the USB cable... Thanks for info!

oakstream 0 votes
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I suppose its not the end of the world, but to keep plugging and un plugging for use with Remixbox and samples is kind of a pita.

The plug socket wear and tear is not a good thing, and they will get sloppy over time.

Standing problem is if you want to use the RMX as a midi device with reassignments, then you are screwed as it has to stay plugged in.

I can hear mouse activity being picked up in the signal, so its definitely usb buss related.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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I noticed the following when I use the USB Hub: Only on a powered port of the Hub the problems occurs. If I use a non powered port I don't have this problem.

Michael Dawson 0 votes
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Thats interesting to learn. I have a slot card I will try it on, the cdj's got latent when plugged in there, had to run direct with the sl2 taking the third spot on the usb mains.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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It is better on a main usb, but this isn't an option, seems to need some kind of filter internally.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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I am also getting this issue as of recent firmware update.  I have to say this is one of the worst gear purchases i have ever made.  Pioneer really needs to get this thing straight.  I waited over 5 months to properly use the plug in in Logic 9, now I am trying to perform in Ableton and the plugin crashes everything.   Hopefully that has been addressed in the recent update. Now I have a noisey usb issue on top of that.  I am not sure what Pioneer does on a daily basis, but I am absolutely positive that they spend almost zero percent of there day worried about support.  I paid $800 for this piece of junk, and after 8 months, the only thin they seem to be focused on is "What new color can we put on this!!!!".  Well Pioneer, maybe before you put out a polka dot purple model, you can make the current ones stop sucking ass!

Sean Halas 0 votes
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Its in the RMX FAQs not to use the effects unit with a powered hub. Unplugging the RMX when not in use seems to have resolved the issue for the majority of users but, of course, this isn't optimal for many of you. I've brought the issue to the attention of the engineers.

Gavin 0 votes
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For the record, the USB noise persists even when plugged directly to the computer.  The noise level is significantly lower but it is most definitely there.  When run through a Hub, it is a higher pitched squeal coupled with a clipping sound.  When direct, it sounds like a low pitched pair of oscillators that are slightly out of tune, resulting in a "bassy" bopping sound.  Either is completely un-usable for recording and extremely annoying when you need the extra gain from your mixer.  PLEASE FIX!  As you can see from my earlier posts I have been extremely disappointed with Pioneer's lack of concern for the constant issues while at the same time releasing new "color" options.  Were getting close to a year that this product has been out and it is still unusable for most if not all studio and live work.   Why they didn't include MIDI 5 pin is a mystery but if they had, this would not be nearly as big of an issue for me.  For the record, I show off my gear to everyone who wants to see it as I love to do so, and I have personally been slamming Pioneer for this for the past 10 months.  I hope that my efforts have caused many to avoid this company as they seem to care very little about this product.  

Sean Halas 0 votes
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Well just because a company has technical things to iron out doesn't mean the sales and marketing departments stop dead in their tracks. Thats where things like color changes come from, gotta be hundreds of depts at Pioneer.

I'm just glad they are aware of it now, its bothersome particularly with limited usb ports and 850's plagued with screen freeze/latency in time with the jog wheel rotation hub unless direct to comp and the sl2 isn't connected yet..

As long as the fixes are firmware/software and not an RMX II I will be satisfied.

I still feel its the best gear money can buy tho.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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RE: Rick

Fair enough on the marketing aspects, but a device that only communicates to a computer via USB should be extensively vetted before release, especially if half of its appeal relies on that connection.  The fact that after 10 months they are only now aware and supposedly fixing it speaks volumes in regards to their quality control.  

This is not an inexpensive piece of gear.  I have seen far better support on companies a 1/100th of the size of pioneer on items that cost less than $100.   There is no excuse for that.  As long as my RMX-1000 behaves like a turd, I will call it nothing else.



Sean Halas 0 votes
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It is a ground loop hum you are all experiencing ... it is due to your laptop power supply and not the fault of the rmx unit ...... try unplugging your laptop power supply, if the hum disappears, then it is a GL hum and can be recitfied quite simply buy buying an isolator ... for those in the uk maplins do one, £15  http://www.maplin.co.uk/ground-loop-isolator-33172

DJBostonGreen 0 votes
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That made no difference here UBF, although from the start realized the source was the Belkin powered hub.

I may experiment with some carbon chokes on the PS for the hub and retry.


I feel your pain and was equally puzzled by the lack of flangers thinking who makes a processor without a flanger?


But, for the size that it is and the features it delivers I am pretty happy despite the learning curve.

It would make for a great seminar at a dj show like Atlantic City just to get some hands on help.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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RE: UBF  I am actually using this on a Mac Pro tower, and a Macbook Pro.  The problem persists on both computers.  I will also add that I have several audio interfaces, effect processors and synthesizers that all use the same ports as the RMX and none of them have issues.  So blaming my power supply is absolutely not correct.  An audio unit that requires USB connection for full function should not require any thing other than a computer, a USB cable and the Unit....period!  My Moogs work, my Sapphire Pro works, my Lexicon MX400 works, and the list goes on, but my RMX unit does not.  Simple logic tells me its the RMX.  

Sean Halas 0 votes
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given what you've said above, i agree ....

DJBostonGreen 0 votes
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Questions from the engineers:


The message from the engineers is as follows:

Before analyzing this issue, we would like to try to reproduce the said issue here at Pioneer.

Would you please provide us with more detailed information on the following conditions?

 ・What equipment and devices do you use with RMX? (RMX, mixer, laptop, AUDIO I/F, etc.)

 ・How do you connect them? (What cable type and power type do you use for connecting the above equipment and device?)

 ・How do you use your RMX-1000? (Do you use it as effector or plug-in controller?)

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation in advance.


Gavin 0 votes
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I am using 2 cdj 850's with a djm 3000

Due to the latency issues with the 850's they are direct connected to an 09 MBP 17 with the third usb dedicated to the Serato sl2.

I run a slot card usb adapter to feed a Belkin powered hub (recommended by Apple and sold on their site), which feeds dicers, a track ball, a led strip light, Icy Dock 4 bay server, and scan converter (power only),

All 110v power on this system.

The RMX was patched in with both 1/4" shielded and rca connectors, neither made a difference.

I use this strictly as an effector, not midi controller.

Rick Hodgkins 0 votes
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I have noise coming through the RMX with all setups. My basic setup is the RMX connected to my Mac Pro/MacBook Pro and an RME Fireface 800.

Sean Halas 0 votes
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@Sean > Have you tried the setup without the Fireface?

Gavin 0 votes
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The question was not answered - does the problem still exist when the laptop power supply is unplugged?

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse the laptop power plugged or unplugged makes no difference

Michael Dawson 0 votes
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I just encountered i think this issue with my RMX?? As soon as I engaged the effects send/return on, I had what sounded like a hum/phazer effect?? It has never happened before.. Cycled power on everything and it still did the same thing??? Im using 2 1200's and a Denon DN-X1700 mixer... It always worked perfect in this configuration... The effects weren't working like normal either.. I have to do more troubleshooting and connect it back to my nexus system again for further troubleshooting.

DJ Pete 0 votes
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update... It seems that because I didnt have my wet/dry to 100% it was causing sort of a Phaser sound.. I never kept it at 100% before, this seems to be something new... But when I have it full wet (the send/return) it works fine.. if not, it makes a phaser flanger sound

DJ Pete 0 votes
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