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I connected my external hard drive (My Book WD w/ USB 3.0 which says its also compatable with 2.0) to the MEP 7000 and the 7000 doesn't recognize/load the external hard drive through either of the USB inputs. Am I missing a step or is there a chance that the drive isn't compatable?

cesar moran

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@cesar > How is the drive formatted?  EX-FAT, NTFS, FAT32, HFS+?  You should be able to right-click on the drive when it's connected to your computer to get that info.

Pulse 0 votes
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I have two WD USB3, USB2 compatible drives.  The first thing I did when I got them was wipe everything out that was on them with a re partition and format to FAT32.  Both work flawlessly on my MEP7000s.

Ken Stone 0 votes
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@ Mep Users. I bought this about a year ago thinking finally a piece to solve all problems as a mobile DJ....However as it functions on a superior level with great controls etc, the Hard drive is not perfect. I have done everything from formatting etc and it all boils down to this>>> A rep from Pioneer told me that My MEP only designed to use an external HD with NO MORE then 30G of music for it to retrieve the music without troubles!!. I currently had a 1TB on the back and 1TB in the front. The problem is I  am sure you know this it take forever to retrieve and will flash pretty much all night if you do not cancel out or sometimes you may get a code come across.  Here is my Q to Pulse or anyone with the intel,,Are they fixing this? are they coming out with a new MEP? that can handle these problems? I have tried everything and the only thing works currently is to preload music onto my ipod and make sure there is only 30g on it ,,it's a 120g. 


Roy Scialdone 0 votes
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I have over 20,000 songs taking up over 200GB on my 1TB drive with no problems so far.  The only thing I'm not sure of is this past weekend I was searching for a request of a particular version of a song I know I have but it wasn't coming up in search results so I played a different version.  It could be operator spelling error on the file I have to look into that.



Ken Stone 0 votes
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My search problem ended up being operator error.  So no problems with the MEP.

Ken Stone 0 votes
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@Ken . I have 3 MEP's All do the same thing, however you can hook up a 1-2TB  the problem is that with most songs with take forever to load tracks to A or B. I also tried something recently and disconnecting in the back my USB splitter where I had my keyboard plug into as well as the HD and found it does work better,,but that isn't convenient when looking for a song.  I hope this problem get solved with a new software or ......A new MEP. 

Roy Scialdone 0 votes
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Hi Roy,

That is the difference.  I use just one USB port at a time.  The back when I'm at a gig in library mode or the front at home in the other mode.  I only use the onboard scroll knob to search for titles or artists and never connect a keyboard.  I've never had a problem where it took too long using the knob and I'm glad cause one less thing to bring and hook up at gigs.  Over the years I've made sure to remove all (') characters from title and artist fields to make searching that much easier.  I have the most common requests ready to go on CDs (which is what I play from the majority of the time) except for the odd ball request so there are many nights I don't have to search for any songs at all and I think to myself I could have left the hard drive in the bin and saved a little work plugging it in.  

Years ago with I first got an MEP I did try to connect a USB keyboard but it didn't work at all, that was the last time I tried.  After that I just settled in on using the MEP knob to search and scroll.

 I still have my fingers crossed that in the future there will be a MEP MKII with a built in touch screen keyboard.

Ken Stone 0 votes
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is there a way to edit a previous post, I just noticed I have a typo in there

Ken Stone 0 votes
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@Ken > No, not currently possible to edit a previous post - don't worry about it.

Gavin 0 votes
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@ Gavin. I am sure there is know word yet? but is there something in the works that can resolve these MEP issues? I am opting to go with a ipad and skip the whole laptop thing as there are more and more Ipad apps coming out for mobile DJ's. I recently purchased DJAY on my ipad it seems ok but still having hope of using my mep for shows. Any thoughts?

Roy Scialdone 0 votes
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@Roy > Sorry, we won't know if any updates are on the horizon until they are released.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi all,

Been a while since i was last on this forum so i hope all is well.

Personally, I only use a 500gb hard drive. Put it simply, i don't feel confident that the MEP7000 can handle a bigger drive.

Obviously, my hard drive - an Iomega with a Seagate Barracuda HDD - has external power and it runs well with the player. I  would not recommend a USB power HDD. Any scare stories i have heard from HDD crashing is from the USB powered ones from all types of applications. I don't think Pioneer themselves designed the player to accommodate a high capacity HDD, just normal 8 / 16 / 32gb flash drives. If it did, it would read the HDD in its natural HFS format and not have most up us tools to covert our HDD's to FAT32

Some have recommended in formatting your HDD twice or more just to make sure that all is well when you use it in action. No harm in this. It doesn't take that long to format a HDD anyway.

Just to let people know that my HDD has music ripped at 320kps and no problems with playback. Yes, it does take an extra second or two to browse a folder but i find that the less music in a folder the better. Don't create one folder with 999 tracks in it. I've tried it just to see. The player gets sluggish. It's just a case of housekeeping with your HDD. Looking for your tracks and learning your HDD to a point - we all remember when we looked for a song using CD's it was in a certain area of the box or folder.

Usual rules apply when preparing your HDD for work - work stuff only! No other materials, files, movies TV series,photos etc need not be on the HDD


DJ Graham 0 votes
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