@Pete > It sounds like you may need to get the unit serviced. The technical support links are on the right here >> to find a service centre in your area.
S’abonnerCDJ 400 won't eject unless in PC Mode
My CDJ 400 (latest firmware) won't eject when in CD Mode. Nor will the disc stop when the eject button is pressed.
There are no errors are displayed and it all works fine in PC mode.
Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers.
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8 commentaires
Are you stopping playback before ejecting?
No eject doesn't do anything in CD Mode. When switching it to PC Mode it stop and ejects fine.
@Pete > I mean did you stop playback (by going to a cue-point; the CD isn't playing) and then press eject?
I've tried that, even when the cd is cued or paused, it still spins and doesn't eject.
Yeah, there could be something wrong with the system. Before sending it for service, I'd re-flash it with the latest firmware.
I've just tried updating the firmware from 1.30 to 1.33 but not success. Disc doesn't eject in CD Mode.
@Pete > your next option will be to get the unit services then. Contact links are on the right >>