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CDJ-1000 MK2 - Tempo Jumping Randomly?


The club I tech for has a number of CDJ 1000 Mk2s and Mk3s.  Recently one of our resident DJs has let me know that a MK2 has been playing up. 

Upon testing:

If i set the tempo of a track (ANY TRACK ANY CD) at 120bpm (Or any BPM) using the tempo fader, throughout the track the bpm display will jump up and down in small increments.

My first thought was that the tempo is tracked as the track progresses but the DJ has assured me this is not normal once the tempo has been set with the fader.

Ive cleaned the fader but unfortunately the problem is still persisting.

Has anyone had similar issues or could let me know if the deck is actually working normally?  My next step if it is a problem with the fader is to just replace the fader.



Andrew Jones

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Wow - a MK2 still alive and kicking! Fantastic to hear. :)

The BPM displayed on the screen is read off the audio; if the tempo of the track changes, the display will also. It is not in any way locked to the tempo slider hardware. So in essence, you're both right.

Sometimes we have seen where a track is measuring just at the tipping point to another BPM so it bounces back and forth -- if this is annoying, either put a piece of tape over the display, or adjust both decks just a hair to have the tracks at the same tempo but at another percentage.

There is always the possibility the tempo fader is failing, but if the hardware still operates properly, I'd say it's the issue above.

Pulse 0 votes
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sorry for the delayed response! Yes we have 4 mk2s and 6 mk3s that with some TLC every so often keep going strong.


After cleaning it out I've taken it back to the club and had no complaints yet. 


Unfortunately this week i had 3 CDJs handed to me with different issues.  One of them is over heating and stopping his Traktor CDs from playing (A little bit unfortunate when the first time it happened he was going to the toilet) Have you heard of this issue before? 


Andrew Jones 0 votes
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It's known that the players get warm and the suggested installation method is to allow air space around them. There would be no reason for the players to overheat with a Traktor timecode CD specifically, it would be more likely to heat up with time, that's it.

Pulse 0 votes
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The CD itself is extremely hot the touch after removing it from that specific CDJ but not in any of our others 

Andrew Jones 0 votes
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It could well be that a heatsink within that particular CDJ has come loose?

Pulse 0 votes
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