I had a thread going but I think they deleted it, can't find it now.
Couldn't find this anywhere, so thought I might do one after I have been using Rekordbox for a while....
First of all: LOVE the program, but as many other (new) programs it has potential to be better....
1) Sync with folders on your harddrive. Automatically search for new files at startup.
2) "key" feature - finds the key of the tracks.
3) editi/cut in audio tracks... a litlle audio editor would be awesome!!!
if there is a thread for this I apologize....
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I had a thread going but I think they deleted it, can't find it now.
i would like rekordbox to find the genre of the tracks online when you upload them onto it .little things like this pioneer saves the dj's a lot of time messing around on rekordbox and more time on there decks .
After relocating my entire library to my internal hard drive on the weekend, I'd like a batch find and replace mechanism rather than having to use the currently relocator, I had to relocate every file when all that had really changed was the beginning of the file path.
Bren Mac
i would like rekordbox to find the genre of the tracks online when you upload them onto it .little things like this pioneer saves the dj's a lot of time messing around on rekordbox and more time on there decks .
How is any software going to do this? i have no clue? how is a piece of software going to tell me if my music is House Garage or Progressive etc?
Are there such services available on the Internet?
After relocating my entire library to my internal hard drive on the weekend, I'd like a batch find and replace mechanism rather than having to use the currently relocator, I had to relocate every file when all that had really changed was the beginning of the file path.
i have done this before and i think selected all and pointed to the file path (i think) although i'm not sure how i did it i know it can be done.
How is any software going to do this? i have no clue? how is a piece of software going to tell me if my music is House Garage or Progressive etc?
Are there such services available on the Internet?
^^ I Don't see any reason if the algorithm is written correctly why it can't grab that information from Discogs or Beatport (but then most music purchased from Beatport has the genre in the ID3 tag anyway.
Also, I think with RekordBox Pioneer really needs to learn how to walk before they try to run.
Re: Relocation, there is a feature in RekordBox that when relocation missing files, it can attempt to scan for and automatically relink other missing files as well, but it only works if for music that's stored in the same directory, I was able to do it for music on the same album, but my music structure follows the standard iTunes: Album Artist\Album## Title.mp3 pathing, so it was a long and tedious rainy day process.
I'd like to see some basic features get added as well, CMD + I to bring up the info pane, ability to Tab through fields on the Info pane and finally with drop down menus, the ability to punch in the first few characters and have it jump to that option.
It would be to be good to in future be able to carry hot cues from one computers RB to anothers RB via USB Sticks?!
Lookin fwd to the next update:)
For a track to be able to tell you which playlists it is a part of.
To not crash/stall so much (v1.5) it's routine. (makes me anxious to go down the laptop link direction)
To be able to control laptop rekordbox browsing with the rotary wheel (like serato does) [or is this already possible?]
On CDJ display:
- It'd be nice to have the search function available at all times regardless of what folder/playlist you're in
- Be able to have more categories on display at once in the list view, i.e Colour & Rating & Comments, there's plenty of space on the screen - hell... why not allow it to be customizable. Just a way to get as much of that great information that you spend loads of time inputing, but to be all accessible in a similar fashion to the desktop version..obviously limited to the screen size, but currently on the cdj's it's nowhere near as easy to navigate and sort whilst displaying multiple bits of information about each track in a list for quick browsing.
Apart from that, nice first go Pioneer, I have confidence that you'll get it up to scratch soon. It has been 2 years though now.
Scribbler: Re your first suggestion:
I'm 99% sure if you export a playlist to your USB device, add more music to that playlist on the computer, you can then re-export it and it will only export the changed to it.
Bah!!! It will add the new tracks to your playlist on the device.
Unfortunately this takes ages still, as it still goes through every track. It takes a long time to check all the tracks, then adds any new content. thank you though, best option so far, but slow.
What USB device are you using? For some reason it's dog slow with flash (at least it is for me), but you can see a difference with HDD, with a USB HDD you can see it export and skip over the existing tracks.
But yeah, my device exports are usually done overnight.
thanks for the insight. I use a USB stick, so will give it a go with a HDD and see if that speeds things up. But still auto-syncing that doesn't waste time scanning everything when there may only be a handful of additions, would be more logical, and what is the norm for most syncing applications. Thanks for the tips.
Yup, this is exactly what I meant when I say basic functionality. I've said it many times before, but RB feels like a 0.7 or 0.8 release rather that a 1.5.
Let me know how you go, curious to see if I'm the only one who has problems with USB flash.
Another feature/fix:
To update tracks with DJ count, without importing History Playlists, that just have to be deleted too often. or am i missing something?
Yeap, open up the collection view, right click on the heading and add DJ Play Count to the list of columns, click once to select the track you want to edit, wait a few seconds (so it's not a double click) and then click again on that tracks count to edit it.
thanks angus, but i meant the dj count update after using with the cdj. I have found how to do this.. but again should all be part of a sync feature.
Ah, not so sure I'm following mate, but as long as it's sorted!
I normally bung my tracklists into a Playlist folder so I can refer to them later.
Feature request:
Navigating on the CDJ: Info gives you the info on the current playing track, browse lets you go throw various menus. But when you do that, you lose the ability yo see the list that your current track is in - i.e what the track would be if you skipped forwards or back! this is quite frustrating if you're playing in a playlist/deep in the menus, and jump in and out to search/browse. I would recommend holding "browse" takes you back to the current playing list.
In Traktor you can move forward/backward by 4/8/16/32 beats along the track and set the cue points very quickly. Doing this i can be sure i can put a cue point right before a break without counting 1,2,3,4 from the beginning of the track.
May i suggest to implement such a feature like this? It would mean you can set the beatgrid and move quickly along the track, set the cue points by multiples of 4 beats without making mistakes or counting manually.
@Bren > I have removed your user avatar as it could have been misleading that you were a Pioneer representative ... which you are not.
I find it incredibly useful having the Rekordbox/USB feature, saves burning CDs all the time... However 95% of clubs are still rocking 1000s and looks like they will be for the forseeable future! Rekordbox does not have the ability to burn discs, so this leaves me having to manually create discs, by making a playlist of the tracks i want in RB, then on each one clicking 'Show in Explorer', then pasting it to another location to burn. This is hugely annoying! So yeah, I'd either like RB to be able to burn, or to select multiple files in RB, and click 'Show in Explorer' to a batch; so it opens an explorer window with all those files selected.
Also, it would be amazing if RB would write the tags we put in (Artist, Track, Album, Key, etc) to the actual file as opposed to just a database file. That way when moving stuff into other software; Traktor you don't have to start from scratch
@Dave > The majority of the tags are written to the file; some are kept internal for the database as they're not supported by the metadata for that filetype.
Please add a feature for "scan in place" witouth requiring the export. I'm (alsmost neurotically) structured in my file-naming and foldering, and I would love to save playlist and waveform data to my source drive. Right now the only option is to use the CDJ-2000 itself and just keep it running all day long for the wave data. Still doesn't solve the Cue point / Waveform data though...
SYNCING is a must have! I cannot believe tracks are not synced with iTunes (when I make changes in iTunes, I have to make similar changes to RB) - This is a deal-breaker.
Also SYNCING from RB to the HDD/Flash drive you use must be automatic.
Until then, I would rather keep burning CDs
What about artwork column? (Like in Traktor) So I can see my "records"
Apply a way to change the date added in the info column
Ive messed up all my tunes and im gonna need to add each folder back into RB a day at a time so they are in order of when ive uploaded them
At the moment half of them are all on the same day and its frustrating the life out of me lol
Agree with AudioTech.... dreading the day I change my computer and have to reimport. Date Added is crucial!
But.... having to type them in would still be a right pain... ideally if the whole of your rekordbox content, tags, playlists etc. can be saved and reopened in a new rekordbox on a new computer, without issue. Perhaps this is already a feature? If not.. Requesting.
Another vote here for adding the ability to save/change the date added. This is a very key way in which I sort my music.
i agree with audiotech and scribbler.please pioneer make this a feature. rekordbox content, tags, playlists etc. can be saved and reopened in a new rekordbox on a new computer, without issue.thank you