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Macbook Pro - Retina Core - No Ethernet Contact

Someone who have tested it yet ?

I know that this new Macbook Pro will come without etehernet contact and will only work with "Thunderbolt Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"

So please let me know how this works with Rekorbox and its configurations.

Been reading that this Adapter is an external Ethernet Card (can that make problems with configurations? )


Fredrik F

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26 commentaires


This is a HUGE topic which needs research.  I hope the Pioneer engineers are hard at work on testing.

John Kiser 0 votes
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they should have been testing this since the "airs" came out, the lack of ethernet has been around for a little while now, it was not just introduced in the retina one. I have tested and used the usb to ethernet with RB and it works fine, I am sure it will work the same on the retina, you don't HAVE to have the thunderbolt to ethernet especially since the cdj's are only using 100mbps, the usb one is more than capable

maybe they can just change it so usb it used and not ethernet for RB, Ethernet will slowly be going away more and more and laptops get more thin, I don't get why they chose to do ethernet anyway, its not like they are taking advantage of 1000mbps ports, 

BriChi 0 votes
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Thank you for your quick answer BriChi

Do you have your music libary on your MB that you are using with Rekordbox ?

Is it easy to config RB with that USB adapter ?

Just asking becauce Im gonna use an (one) external hdd for my music.

Fredrik F 0 votes
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having connection issues using apple thunderbolt ethernet adapter - is this a known issue & is the solution to use usb/ethernet or is there a work around w/ the t-bolt adapter? - any help appreciated?

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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@frank - I use the thunderbolt to ethernet adaptor and have never had an issue with it. Running RB 2.0.3 with Macbook Pro Retina OSX 10.7.5. Maybe you have a faulty ethernet adaptor? Does your mac have a second t-bolt port you can try in case it's a port issue?

What exactly is the problem you're having, is it connection drop-outs or no connection at all?

hatrik 0 votes
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Adapter is new, works fine in other scenarios & will establish a link, but seems to mess up the network some how. I normally play from usb stick & have laptop plugged in as a backup for somthing I might have to play unexpectedly. Even if I'm not loading any tracks from computer, Tracks will freeze, start to load slow, blinking etc. It has happened using 2000's with a 900 mixer, 2000 nexus with 2000 mixer, & 2000nexus w/ 900 mixer. I work play at a major club & the tech guys have pretty extensive knowledge / troubleshooting ability, so it's been determined the problem only occurs when my laptop is plugged in - settings are right & other gear is thouroghly tested & used frequently.

Only difference I see is that I am running 10.8

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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there is definitly a problem......but it is not easy to trace when or why this happens. I have the same issues........last saturday afternoon I played for 4 hours without any problems at all.....the later that night I had to play in front of 1200 ppl en after the 3 track the system fails......it plays the track 3 seconds....then stops for 2 sec.....and then starts to play it again for 3 sec.....and this repeats it self........when then loading a second track on another deck it takes like forever to get it loaded......this is not a small issue if you ask me........My ethernet adapter is for apple itself....so I suppose I am good with this. 

Ollever Buschan 0 votes
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this is such a huge reaon why Pioneer should have never went the ethernet route in my opinion, more and more laptops are going to be shipping without them

BriChi 0 votes
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Ollever, are you using a thunderbolt / Ethernet adapter, or usb?

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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Thunderbolt/ehternet adaptor from apple 1Gb

Ollever Buschan 0 votes
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Ok, I spoke to another DJ at the club I work at who was also using the Apple thunderbolt adapter had the same problem. Seems like it doesn't like the thunderbolt Ethernet for some reason. He switched to a USB / ethernet adapter and hasn't had problem.

Not too happy I can't use my $30 apple adapter for the only reason I bought it & I'll have to tie up a usb port, but seems like this is solution. Will post again when I use myself & confirm ;-)

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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Also.. forgot to add, he's using a cisco adapter.

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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@Frank > I'll report this to the engineers on our side.

Gavin 0 votes
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Well, I had the same USB adapter as the other DJ today for the first time, but I had the same issue as with the Thunderbolt Adapter. Will have to check with the other DJ to see if there is anything else he did other difference in our computers that might be causing the issue, but for now, myself and everyone at the club is at a loss :-/

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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One thing I did miss this time around was to set the "Service Order", with USB Ethernet on top. Won't be able to test again until next week though.

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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I've had the Retina Macbook Pro since it was released over a year ago and I've never had a problem with the thunderbolt adapter as long as I turned my WiFi off before connecting to my decks.

RyanTV 0 votes
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Ok PIONEER it's one year later and I still have a $3000 computer I can't use the way I'd like with your software - same issues several updates later on both yours and apples sides - what do you have for me?

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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fuck... I hope this is fixed in RB 3.0 !! I foolishly assumed my retina mbpro had ethernet... much to my dismay when setting it up with a brand new 5 port hub. Hopefully 2moro I will buying the thunderbolt to ethernet adapter as I want to leave my USB ports free (only have 2). I will test and report back here. If this doesn't work properly Im going to be fuming haha. (Running OSX mavericks fully spec'd up 15" latest model retina display w RB 3.0, CDJ2000nxs & DJM900nxs)

Sandy Bilton-Guise 0 votes
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Haven't tried with RB 3.0, but I can only test at the club, have to try before we open or something. Even if it seems ok, I'll still be hesitant without an official diagnosis / resolution from the boys at pioneer.

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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yea fair call. if trailing in the club first time I would recommend still exporting library to HD and have that plugged into decks ready to go incase anything to do with the laptop lync screws up.. that way you can suss it out while just playing off USB. i've called another mate today who confirmed he's doing the thunderbolt to to ethernet adapter way from mbpro and working fine for him no glitches, but I'm going to test on my own gear before i make any judgements. Going to buy t.bolt - ethernet adapter this arvo and test out at home. results posted soon...

Sandy Bilton-Guise 0 votes
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I mainly play from usb to begin with, problem is, when it does happen, all the decks start freezing up or going into emergency loop & I basically have to restart all. Ideally I'd like to have computer hooked up for a quick search etc when needed, but just having the computer in the loop causes the problem for me.

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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riiiiiight ok I get ya. that sucks!!! have you considered upgrading to OSX mavericks, upgrading CDJ firmware, and running thru rekorbox 3.0? that could potentially cure. Btw If you haven't already upgraded to 3.0 do yourself a favour and check it out.. its the most insane upgrade to an app I've seen in a while, before it was just a prep tool for me but now its really powerful and slick especially with the 'related track list' function, made me really wanna use it for the pro link feature.. thats what lead me here. NOW... to business... the thunderbolt to ethernet adapter worked perfectly for me. The first time i plugged it all in rekordbox crashed, but that was the only problem.. it was stable after that and no surprises for probably a 20 minute test.. the tracks load nice and fast, was really enjoying the novelty of selecting tracks on laptop haha. awesome being able to see 20 tracks on screen or so without having to use jog wheel. I like the jog wheel tho so will prob end up using a combination of the 2 - and it does let you navigate your library on the decks as well (tho from the sounds of it you probably already know all of this) .. the only issue I had was setting the CDJ's as 'player 1' 'player 2' etc... when holding the menu button down for 2 seconds to get to the utility menu, the player option was greyed out and was stuck on auto, after reading the manual I realised all I had to do was take the ethernet cable out the back of the player so its not linked and then set the player number. once I sussed that out it was literally plug and play.. didn't have to make ANY changes to rekordbox.. quite happy. perfect for a resident DJ or for those that have access to the decks before the venue opens if they need to fiddle with setting player number.. but could be a little bit of a hassle if its a shared set scenario where you would have to take over from previous DJ.. put a track on, take other deck out of link, set player number, play track from that deck, repeat process for next deck etc etc... anyway this is getting long, doing a full circle - the thunderbolt to ethernet adapter works fine for me. (running OSX Mavericks, Rekordbox 3.0, Retina Display MB Pro, CDJ2000nxs x 2). Can't wait to hook up 4 decks for my next set and utilise its full power :) all the best Frank hope you have some luck sorting it out

Sandy Bilton-Guise 0 votes
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I'm on my second Retina MacBook Pro (needed more storage), and I've still never had any issues using Pro Link with a thunderbolt adapter. With the older versions of Rekordbox, I had to disable my WiFi card in order for it to work. With Rekordbox 3, I was able to link while my WiFi was also connected.

RyanTV 0 votes
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