:( Don't seem to be the one I was waiting for. :(
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:( Don't seem to be the one I was waiting for. :(
Thank you for the improved search speed in the collection view, Love it!!!
Still waiting for improved speed (and a lack of crashing) while trying to do any sort work on my 1/2 full USB device through RB...
But thanks for this update anyways ;o)
for PC?! I need to update on Android and iOS devices!
So this is what Pioneer has been focusing on with Rekordbok? Man I was so hopeful a jump from 2.0.3 to 2.0.7 meant good things... FAIL!
Where is the Rekordbox features the DJ's want?
I'll go back to sleep for another few months and dream about what RB should be instead of what it is. I'm sure when I wake up I'll only realize it was a nightmare as the next update will be a crappy as this one!
Thank you for the improved functionality - The one I just love is that you now can (or you maybe could do this before?) put hot cues and cue points on the CDJ's, then put the USB stick in the computer and update the collection in RB with the hot cues and cue points you just set on the CDJ!
yeah, it was there already but it is a great feature
Damn, and I thought I found something new... Well well :-)
LOL... (Not laughing at you) What I thought was a happy customer in regards to RB turned out to be another FAIL
these are to me IMO really minor to nothing updates... the speed of loading tunes was never an issue for me... And there are NO features in this update that anyone was asking for... Well not the important really great features we were asking for anyway... I really hope with the release of Remotebox, that RB is under going a total overhaul and this is just some minor adjustments to appease us until the NEW RB comes out.... I Hope. :)
I was really hoping for a backup and import solution for RB. I'm a bit stunned that this is not prioritized more.
If I update, do I have to re-do all my cue points and beat grids?
i really hope this isn't the 'you'll be really pleased with the next update coming soon' update i saw teased.
i really let my hopes up.
I know im a smart ass and i mean to be but ill try to be serious for once. Im just not sure if Pioneer really hears us even when the mods say they took notes... i just dont see it...
6Six, Unfortunately we don't get to have that fun again. Looks like they stay the same.
Is this all??
With this latest version it still shuts down when trying to save playlist in windows 8 pro .
Kevin - I think you should make a video and post it on youtube where you show the whole process until it crashes, also list how u set everything up. External HDD? Have u switched everything back and forward, is RB able to find the path to where the tunes are etc...
@Pete > This was a minor update. What were you waiting for?
@Davide > This was an update for desktop only. Mobile apps usually auto-update.
@Justin > 2.0.3 to 2.0.7 is a very minor update. If you've such poor hopes for rekordbox then perhaps its not for you.
@Taang > Glad you've discovered "new" features ;)
@6Sixx > No.
@jean luc > This update was to address fixes only (as well as support the XDJ-R1).
@michel > This is a minor update to fix bugs.
@Kevin > I've addressed your problem in your own thread. Please keep the discussion there and not in this thread.
@Gavin I hope that in the future there are updates on the wireless side for XDJ aero. O recordbox or remotebox. Anyone who owns the XDJ aero needs new funcions
Very pleased with the improved speed on Search Function.
But what rekordbox really needs, is a folder to playlist sync function, so you dont have to think about, if you imported the songs/albums you just bought! I absolutely love working with my 2000 nexus and rekordbox.. We just need that 1 thing, that will make the program standing out, from all of the other softwares! - Pioneer ... You're one of the leading players on this market, its indeed expected of you, to solve these "issues"
@ Gavin I already realized that but after spending close to $10,000 on equipment and setup and because some features do not work without RB I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. But I would gladly return it to Pioneer for a refund if they offered?
It's a shame that Pioneer isn't forward thinking on how to make RB better but rather standing still on creativity (at least I see no sign of wanting to give the DJ's what they ask for).
After spending $10,000 on all this, mostly Pioneer stuff I think I have every right to pester, smart ass and beg for better things from Pioneer. However I will gladly return it all, just let me know if Pioneer agrees.
I totally agree with Justin and Gavin you're on dangerous ground there with that comment.
RB powers the use of CDJ2000 and 900 Nexus systems which is Pioneer's flagship product and alternative to "becoming now industry standard" Traktor.
Traktor is infinitely more powerful to use than the Nexus system and massively cheaper as a solution.
I've been keeping an eye on Cross DJ software also produced by mixvibes and whilst the players on the nexus set up clearly power the music the UI is more comprehensive. I don't think its unreasonable to have RB equally feature rich - better waveforms etc
Another nail in the coffin for me I'm afraid
BTW Gavin, I know I'm a smart ass but i was being serious. If Pioneer will allow me to return it for a full refund I will even pay for shipping. It's pretty obvious Pioneer setup isn't for me. I'll also sign whatever paperwork to stay quiet (Not letting anyone know Pioneer gave me a refund) so Pioneer isn't flooded with other requests for refunds just because I got one. But I am serious, I'd pack it all up today and in the mail to Pioneer before the end of the day
@ Gavin... Im waiting for my CDJ 2000 Nexus to be able to control RB via the cdj. And i'm waiting for camalot keys. After that it would be nice to get the sync and drifting loops fixed... But first 2 items are what i want most Gavin. Thanks for asking me personally.
@gavin> We don't ask for major updates, like reinventing Rekordbox right?
So just give us the updates we ask for.
@Gavin... I was truly hoping that This update had the camalot keys since I saw it on the new remote box program..
I agree with Pete, #1 thing for me is control RB through the CDJ followed by all the wonderful ideas many of these DJ's and myself have begged for or at least asked for for a long time now.
Imagine the happy forum Gavin if Pioneer actually did what DJ's asked and in a reasonable time instead of what Pioneer feels they should or shouldn't do... It's called, listening and responding to their consumer needs.
sorry, customer needs