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It's still on the request list but we don't have any other information. Thanks for your patience.
My most needed workflow improvement for Rekordbox is the ability to sync playlists with folders... as in, every time I boot up Rekordbox, I want to have specific playlists which automatically sync to particular folders on my hard drive... any new tracks added to the folder are automatically imported to the playlist, any files that have been deleted from the folder are removed from the playlist... so basically the playlist is an exact mirror of the folder.
It could be as simple as adding a new condition to Intelligent Playlists - "Folder" or "Location"...
Please please please add this to an update soon!
It's still on the request list but we don't have any other information. Thanks for your patience.
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Sounds like it could be useful. No other application I could see does this, and there's probably a reason for not adding files automatically.
I will tell you one limitation - there is currently a maximum of 128 intelligent playlists within rekordbox.
Will pass it along anyhow. Thanks for the suggestion.
For me at least, 128 intelligent playlists is more than enough haha.
I think this kind of workflow is crucial - you want to be able to just download your new tracks to your usual folder(s) and then use Rekordbox's full features (waveform, tempo & key analysis etc.) to audition tracks and see what playlists they belong to... the only elegant way to do this is to allow syncing of playlists to folders.
The intelligent playlists thing I mentioned is just one possible way they could implement this...
You can currently manually drag a folder into a playlist, but I understand the desire to automatically do this. I think it would be best to have this as a "run once at startup" kind of automation so as not to require massive amounts of disk-read time spent checking to see if new files were added to sets of folders.
Yep, a "run once at startup" kind of thing would be perfect.
Y'all working on this?!
@Matthew > It's on the request list, but I'm not sure if they have considered it for implementation or not.
I was just about to create a feature request for exactly this -> adding 'Location' as a condition for intelligent playlists. An alternative might be to extend the 'File' condition so that the filepath is also part of the condition, not just the filename.
Unbelievable though that this takes more than 4 (!!!) years to implement.
Soooooooooo what's up with this?