try pulling the battery out of the laptop for about 5 min. Do you have the power plugged into the wall? Have you tried a different usb port?
Got my DDJ-T1 today and find the control itself werry nice.
But now I have a problem ...
I installed the traktor and then the drivers on my laptop with windows 7 but when I plug in the T1 nothing happens, windows SHOULD find it but do not do that ..
Have tested it against my desktop computer (Win7) with the same result and with different USB cables. Allso with a win XP laptop.
The T1 lit up and so when I start but are not in the computer.
So my wonder is if somebody read something about / with any similar problems?
Feel, however, for me it is wrong with my T1: (
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try pulling the battery out of the laptop for about 5 min. Do you have the power plugged into the wall? Have you tried a different usb port?
Ok, i´ll try to pull the battery.
I´ve tried all tree usb ports tree different usb-cables and even re installed my win 7.
I have my hope in pulling the battery otherwise i have to return it to the store.. But i´ll get a new one :D
I tried the battery trick and it worked!!!
BUT.. The controller doesn´t controll everything in traktor..
I can cue bplay pitch, but the mixer is not working... If i hit a cue button i wont lid up no faders wors but if i play i´ll get sound out from both players at the same time..But i gues this might be somthing to workwith in Traktor now.
Tnx for the help!!
Hot cue, fx and filter doesn´t work either :(
Now everything is working just fine :D
Tnx RenoeNVy for the tips!
The non working mixer,fx and hot cues was the mapping as i thought.
Glad to hear everything worked for you!!! If you find more problems with mappers just run the setup wizard again and that should take care of all the mapper issues. on the setup screen it is on the bottom left corner. Enjoy!!
@Martin > Did you try running the setup wizard?
When i got the drivers working i had 3 mappings for ddj-t1 in traktor (after hours of trying to get it working). Had to remove them and add the T1 once again and then it worked :)
Okay.. Got to gig tonight with my ddj-t1, it has been working real good for month now..
But when i put it togheter at the gig IT WONT WORK!! :(
Got the same problem as when i started this tread..
The battery trick wont do and my laptop wont find the T1.. :(
@Martin > Is it possible that you used a different USB port when you connected the T1 at the gig?
i used the same usb port at the gig as I used when it worked at home.. Tried the other 2 also.
It seems that the usb connector on the T1 is loose.. I have returned my T1 to the store and they will fix it on warranty...