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[SOLVED] DDJ T1 timecode support :)

Before buying my T1 I was looking around if ddjt1 would support timecode but couldn't find any article so im sure people are also looking at this.

Well it does. All you have to do is plug in you cdj or turntable (with pre ground like stantons str8 150) to the aux in and through traktor have the input go to one of the decks and there you have it.  

Pretty simple, hope it helps someone looking for this feature.

You would need a version of traktor that enables timecode of course. 


Pav Aragon

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It is really working then? It would be nice to put extra cdj's or turntables as 3rd and 4rd deck. So i just put the Left-aux into one turntable and the Right-aux into the other turntable, some setting chance and I have really 4 decks? The mixer is also OK (for C and D) ? Greetings

Koen Casteels 0 votes
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Yeah, that works as an input -- but as you state yourself, you need a version of Traktor which supports timecode, ie. not the T1 edition.

Pulse 0 votes
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hmmm idk if only using a left side or right side would do the trick..  but i mean u got 4 decks control already with your t1 and the platters on it are really good very very accurate.

I was iffy at first but they are better than what i though hid works very well. the mixer does it job!  although i wish traktor had hi/lo/mid pass filters instead of just one filter..

only reason i have a extra turntable is cause i like playing around with it.

Pav Aragon 0 votes
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hi there i am soo glad i found this article however still a little confused at the minute i run traktor pro 2 on mac with the denon mc6000 and time code cdj1000 x 2  + kontrol x1 and audio 8 i want to change my denon for the t1 controller so that it is pioneer through out.

is this going to be possible and as simple as swapping over the controller and changing the software settings 

many thanks 

MHouse 0 votes
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pretty much yea.. i mean if you have an audio 8 i dont see why you would have a problem with 2 external cd players. thats allota stuff hooked up tho lol..

Pav Aragon 0 votes
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I have just bought Traktor Scratch Pro 2 (for playing out) but I own a DDJ-T1.

When I go through the setup for TSP2 there isn't an option for the T1 - only CDJ 400 / 900 / 2000 & MEP 7000.

Could someone please tell me how to set up TSP2 to work with my T1 as I can't mix at home atm :'(


DJ Chodski 0 votes
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@DJ Chodski > What version of TSP2 are you running?

Pulse 0 votes
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@Pluse I was running the version that came on the disc (2.0 I guess). I have now changed from a PC laptop to a Macbook Pro running Lion and have installed TSP2 2.1.1 and still I only get the Pioneer options listed above.

Do you have any thoughts as to why this is?

DJ Chodski 0 votes
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@DJ Chodski > Did you have the T1 connected when you installed Traktor?  It's unlikely that it's required, however I'm not sure why it wouldn't have installed the files.  Perhaps contact Native Instruments for support on that one.

Pulse 0 votes
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WOuld I need to install the DDJ-T1 driver disc? I wouldn't have thought so on a Mac.

DJ Chodski 0 votes
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@DJ Chodski > No. No drivers are required for Mac as they're only the audio drivers anyhow.  Is the T1 showing up in the MIDI devices list (go to Utilities > Audio MIDI Settings then go to Window > MIDI Devices -- or something to that effect).  If it's listed, it's being recognized by the system, but that still doesn't explain why it's not an option through the setup wizard.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey there! I've just found that topic and it really interested me!! Can you please explane how to connect two turntables to my T1 using timecodes on Traktor pro 2..?

If there is no option for that, maybe there's an option to connect it with my Audio 4 Dj device and use the T1 as a midi controller.


Tony D 0 votes
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@Tony > Provided you have a Scratch version of the software, you could use your timecode, but yes, you would need to use your Audio4 as the input for the timecode.  You could easily have the vinyl timecode controlling decks A & B while C & D are on the DDJ-T1 itself, and all 4 audio channels are mixed on the DDJ-T1, but you would likely need to set up an aggregate audio device (in Mac) or use ASIO4ALL (PC) in order to work around the 2 soundcard scenario.

Pulse 0 votes
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I'm running my T1 with TP2. I'm considering getting TSP to run with Audio 10 on the CDJ's at the club as an alternative to hauling in the T1, which is always a tight squeeze. The idea of running turntables, which I have at home, through the T1 is interesting. Will the T1 work the same with TSP as it does with TP2?  Secondly, how do you configure two turntables into a single AUX input on the T1?

lectric77 0 votes
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@lectric77 > Any input time code, CD or vinyl, requires the scratch version of the software. The DDJ-T1 doesn't support phono input on its AUX input and inputting two sources would require a mixer of some variety, but then it couldn't be used for timecode input. The DDJ would work the same with either software.

Pulse 0 votes
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I got the idea, probably faulty, from the other posts that it was possible to input the phonos through the audio 10 first, then to the T1. i have successfully routed a CDJ2000 into the T1 AUX IN, but of course thats already digital. The idea with that was that I could have come one else with a USB stick mix into my T1 via the CDJ. Ultimately it seems like I'm trying to make the T1 do more than it was designed for with that setup.

lectric77 0 votes
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No, if you're routing a line-input from the CDJ into the DDJ via the AUX input, that's just fine, you just need to assign one of the decks as an input deck.

Pulse 0 votes
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Ok. i've connected the turntables with my Audio 4 dj to TP2 Sscrath and it seems that it works properly with the T1 mixer on 4 decks.

Now the problem here that I've choosen an Audio 4 dj in Audio setup in the program and I noticed that I can't control the headphones monitoring..! Probably the problem is that I didn't setup the ggregate "audio device (in Mac)" as you told me.. Can you please explain how to do that?  It would be great if you explain about the windows Ver. too.

Thanks again))

Tony D 0 votes
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If you Google it you'll find some results for how to create the aggregate; with ASIO4ALL (PC) you download their software and when you run your audio application, you can then access their toolbox which allows you to configure which soundcards are being used for inputs/outputs.  In Traktor you simply select the ASIO4ALL soundcard as your device and away you go.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks a lot for your help! Noe every thing works and i'm using my DDJ-T1 with two Technics 1200 mk2 as live inputs or time codes!!! :)

Tony D 0 votes
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Best thread ever. I had no idea the T1 had timecode support.


To use two turnies tho I'd have to run an external soundcard (ie, Audio 4) into the aux of the T1? Then I'd have decks on channels C & D?

Cassidy Feder 0 votes
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@Cassidy > The T1 DOES NOT have timecode support with its supplied software; you need to be running a SCRATCH version of the software.  You CAN use the T1 alongside a pair of turntables and an Audio4 to have the control plus timecode, but again, you need to be using a SCRATCH version.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yeah I'm aware I'd need the scratch version, it's the fact I can run it through the T1 in the first place without another mixer I'm happy about. Hypothetically I could put a control cd in a CDJ running into the aux on the T1 (running the scratch version) and control it thru Traktor that way (I realize this is pointless I'm just trying to establish if it would work)

Cassidy Feder 0 votes
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Here is my question, I have the T1 and just bought NI Audio 6 with traktor Scrath Pro 2 ( new version), I wann used
Cdj 2000 and. mk2 Turntables in 2 decks and T1 in another 2, explain better how to connect please...
So I need to know how to setting up, all together, I know that is possible, but Just dont know
First explain how to set up Audio 6 with T1, the both USB (from T1 and Audio 6)cable going to my computer? Can I see on traktor scrath Pro for decks.....
Please someone hellllp me, maybe u Pulse.... Explain better the conections with cable please step by step.... Have trying for couple days...

Paulo 0 votes
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@Paulo > You can certainly run all of it, the toughest part is deciding how / what you want to control.  Because you have 2 turntables, 2 CDJs and the DDJT1 (which itself is 4 decks), that's a heap of things to figure out.  Let's sort out them out device-by-device first...

Turntables: Presumably you're using these to run timecode vinyl?  These you would connect via the Audio6 as an input (phono).

CDJs: Personally, I wouldn't use them for anything but CD/USB sources -- meaning don't use them as HID/MIDI controllers for the software.  If you wanted to run them as timecode players, that's another option, but you need to decide that before you get too involved.  These would connect via the Audio6 as well (line inputs).

T1: I'm going to assume this is your mixer as well as controller for decks.

In terms of audio in/out, you also need to decide if you're using the outputs of the Audio6 to go to your ... speakers, recording device, whatever.  If you want to include the T1, you'll need to create an aggregate device (Mac) or use ASIO4ALL (PC) in order to allow 2 different soundcards to appear as one soundcard to Traktor.

Let's get through those first steps before venturing further.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey Pulse yes so far i did everything u said,
I Have t1 and 2 turntables, everything works on the t1 mixer... Here what I did:
Usb from t1 plug on mac
Usb from audio 6 plug on mac
Turntable 1 on IN phono A
Turntable 2 on IN phono B

So basic Deck C and D T1 and Deck A and B Turntables, and I control from T1 mixer and effects. The speakers are connect on Audio 6 A out.
But I cannot see the graffic on Deck A B for turntables, its working only as Live Input on Mac.
Also on TSP on OUTPUT ROUNTING I must use MIXING MODE as INTERNAL...... Otherwise is not work.... Lets go from here....

Paulo 0 votes
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Have you changed the configuration within Traktor for the first two decks to be timecode input (scratch) decks?

Pulse 0 votes
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Hummmm I dont know how, lol, Can U explain to me........maybe that problem....

Paulo 0 votes
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The only place I know to set that explicitly as a scratch deck is via the setup wizard, but once that's configured you can change your preferences to show the business here:


Pulse 0 votes
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