Need a bit more information about your computer and the operating system you're running before I can start offering fixes.
I have had the DDJ-t1 for a couple months now, and I love the hardware. However, since the beginning it has had a lot of stability issues. I have tested my laptop and set it up to the exact specifications traktor's website recommends, but I still have a critical flaw. Usually when mixing after anywhere from 15 mins to 3 hours, the software begins to lag. The speed of the wave forms goes down 90 percent, then after ten seconds of that the music stops and it doesn't allow me to stop or start any new tracks. the only remedy I have found for this is to either turn the controller off and then on again, taking about 30 seconds to get going, or shut down traktor and reboot it also taking about this long. I have a 4 hour gig coming up in a couple weeks and I need to know that my system is stable. Please help me fix this problem.
P.S. Small audio cut-outs can usually be heard a couple of minutes before the lag begins
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Need a bit more information about your computer and the operating system you're running before I can start offering fixes.
k, here's my specs:
OS: Windows 7 home premium 64bit edition
Ram: 4 gb
CPU: intel i3 m330
I have had this problem with Traktor DDJ-T1 edition and Traktor 2 DDJ-T1 edition
It would be nice if someone could get back to me soon so that I can try and figure out this problem.
@Kevin > What is the version number of Traktor 2 you're running? Do you have any other background applications running (antivirus, etc)?
Traktor 2.12 is the version I'm running. I have no background programs running, except occasionally internet explorer. (I have tested my wifi chip and can verify that it isn't the problem as It can be sometimes). No antivirus software installed currently. This problem seems less frequent in traktor 2 but still exists and is just as much of a train wreck to deal with.
Just to refresh a topic. I can see that the problem hasn't been solved yet.
I've got very similar configuration to Kevin. And the situation is the same story.
randomly traktor goes to slow mo. I've reinstalled a fresh win 7 x64 hp updated system and drivers no antivirus and background programs.
I;m really disappointed. the hardwer as alway is really god but this freezing problem forces me to swap a brand new laptop or brand new controler.
Can anyone from Pioneer DJ give us a hand with that ??
@Lukasz > If the problem occurs without the T1 connected, you can draw the conclusion that it's not the hardware but the software. If you have the opportunity to test that and let me know, that would help and I can move forward with support from there.
well, since upgrading from traktor 2 ddj-t1 edition to a retail box of traktor 2 the problem seems to have disappeared completely. I'm happy it's gone but perhaps this is some kind of bug only found in the DDJ-T1 editions of traktor; If this is the case I hope it is fixed soon as this made my controller next to useless for gigging for fear of a crash.
@Kevin > Given that you're the only one to have reported the problem, I wouldn't say it's a bug with the software or the hardware but possibly your setup.
I had the same problem, I Was playing and suddenly the waves go extra slow.. no sound.. if i move the Jog fast or slow. the waves moves extremly low... I have to restart the controller.. in the meantime there is no sound and i have to wait.. and hope that doesn't happen again...
@Luis > You may need to adjust the latency settings.
Same here!! BUGG!! '' I had the same problem, I Was playing and suddenly the waves go extra slow.. no sound.. if i move the Jog fast or slow. the waves moves extremly low... I have to restart the controller.. in the meantime there is no sound and i have to wait.. and hope that doesn't happen again... '' This one realy sucks when ur traktor crash middle of the party going on.. And I hope I will solve mine problem too! Same gigs here going on soon!!
hey all, ive got the same problem with my system, on a few weeks old now.. got the pioneer eddition of tractor.. after 1 hour or so everything lags.. sync buttons dont respond, pitch bend, key.. auto cues to random spots.. the whole system is retarded and very embarresing when poeples voices sound like chip monks during gigs..
how many more people need to post here before Pioneer do something or even investigate this as a real issue or work with the tractor guys to find a solution..
has anyone been able to over come this issue?? please help ASAP.. got too many functions and cant afford to screw up
This was a problem when Traktor first went to version 2. I had it too and I had a HP laptop.l There was a lot of posts on the Traktor forum because there was a Windows component which switched in from time to time and took a lot of resources. Some people managed to sort it, but I gave in and got a Mac since when I haven't had one single problem. There is some downloadable freeware which can identify the running program which gives the problem. Sorry I can't remember the full details.
Suggest you look around in the Traktor forum.
Same issue to me. After about 30 minutes of playing everything starts to work slower. For example trying to load a track in a deck can take about 30 seconds, and sometimes it doesn't even load.
My PC is Intel Core i3 3110M, 8GB of RAM, Windows 8.1.
@Sebastian > What version of Traktor are you running?
I am running Traktor version 2.6.8.
Pioneer DDJ-T1 driver: 1.100
Pioneer DDJ-T1 mapping: 1.03
I would also like to know whether there are any settings in Traktor that could make it work better (such as File Management, Audio Setup, or any other). I heard about adjusting latency, but I am not able to do it. I also tried to "Enable Multi-Core Processor Support" but it did not make any difference.
Please try using the software without the controller and see if the problem persists -- if so, you'll have to contact Native Instruments for further assistance.