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ddj sr problem

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David Wood (Serato)

Jun 25 11:40

Hey Dim18frag,

Thanks for getting in touch, this could be hardware related, i'd check to see if this happens on another computer. If the LED lights are changing colour this could indicate an issue with controller.

Let me know how you go,

Kind Regards,

David Wood

Senior Product Specialist


Serato INC LP

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Jun 21 21:02


I have purchased ddj sr about 2 months now and I dont have issues until last thursday that after 2 hours of playing the left deck did some crazy things. Like when I pressed cue at the left deck the right deck song started to play from the start again, when i pressed hot cue button all the buttons from left or right deck flashing and changed to slicer mode both decks, when i pressed the tempo key button both decks started to loop the songs. I also noticed that in the left deck the lights of effects at the upper part were lightly light to the beat and the sampler light was changing colour to purple not blue...

I tried to switch off and on and nothing happened, I also tried to restart serato dj and my macbook but no luck, I was using firmware 1.07 from the day I purchased it and tried to reinstall it but the same... I tried to go to 1.6.2 version but nothing changed.

for 2 hours plays ok but as I said before the lights of effects and slicer are behaving strange even if it plays good and only the left deck.

I have a macbook pro core 2 duo 2.8 mhz, 4 ram, 256 ssd, 500 gb hard disk inside at cd rom position for music.

serato dj 1.6.3

pioneer dj ssr firmware 1.07

As i said 2 months i play every night perfect until thursday.

please help I dj every night



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Dimitris Fragoulis

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4 commentaires


mine does exactly the same....i have posted here but i had no reply yet!!!!


Kostas Vlahakis 0 votes
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Engineers have recommended that you send the unit to Pioneer for servicing as they believe it is a hardware issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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They said that MAYBE the problem is the main board of the controller! I would like to replace my unit because I bought a brand new machine to make my living out of it and they refuse to do it!!

please tell me if pioneer global can force them to replace my unit!


thank you

Dimitris Fragoulis 0 votes
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@Dimitris > Sorry, this is not a Pioneer technical support centre and we don't directly communicate with support centres.

If you have already spoken with Pioneer technical support, they would have told you the same thing I will - the unit is covered under warranty for the first year (in most countries around the globe) and any issues that arise will likely result in repair, not replacement, of the unit. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this situation but you will have to contact your regional Pioneer support for further assistance.

Pulse 0 votes
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