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No control over DDJ-T1 volume output?

Hi, I just bought a new ddj-t1 a few days ago. I did not install the software that came with it as i already own a legitimate copy of Traktor pro 2. I installed the drivers and started using it with traktor and everything works fine 100%; I love the mixer! The only problem is when i use the mixer to play music from windows media player or when i use it with Fl studio, I have no control over the volume output whatsoever. Even if i turn down all the channel gains, faders and main vol to 0, the sound still comes out from my speakers at full blast. I own a amercian audio vms4 and i can play music from windows media player and fl studio while having control over the volume and Eq before it goes to the speakers.

Keyan Cassis Répondu

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This is entirely due to the fact the audio levels are actually controlled by the software (in the case of the DDJ-T1, it's designed for Traktor), so the volume knob isn't a regular ol' volume knob but a MIDI control. As those other applications don't have MIDI assignable functions, you can't change the volume from the T1. Sorry!

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2 commentaires


Hi, finally I find the post that comes up with the same trouble I have (for years!!!) and no-one answered. Well let's hope for it!

Matty Griffioen 0 votes
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