@Paulm72 > Are you using a network switch? If so, which one?
Does this happen between EVERY transition? Is auto-cue enabled?
Hi all,
sorry another bug to report using CDJ2000 Nexus and RB2.0.1. When using the decks via the pro dj link if I let the track play out on deck A after transitioning a track into deck B when I go back to RB to put a new track into deck A the CDJ shows now loading but nothing happens other than sometimes I get a waiting disk appear on the screen. To be clear the same issue occurs when in the reverse scenario, i.e. adding new record onto deck B once the previous has been left to run out.
The issue doesn't happen when you it cue to end the record finishing. The only way to resolve this is by switching the CDJ off then back on which is very annoying.
Anyone else encountered this ?
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@Paulm72 > Are you using a network switch? If so, which one?
Does this happen between EVERY transition? Is auto-cue enabled?
HI Gavin,
It only happened on the first deck tonight, I've just tried it again and the same issue occurred on several occasions. My set up is iMac, RB2.1, airport express as an ethernet hub and yes I do have auto-cue enabled. I have to say these decks appear to be flawed in a number of ways the quantize doesn't work very well at all but I'm not sure whether that is a limitation to the rekordbox software driving it. I'm really struggling to enjoy these players and I'm exacerbated by the fact these are the flagship players.
Paulm, I am experiencing serious issues like this, it's unreal and i'm f'n pissed, last night I had to reboot my cdj's at least 3 times, today i was able to reproduce it and shot 2 videos, enjoy:
this one the deck completely locks up, freaks out and then starts jumping to random tracks, this is on deck 2
this one it freezes up and starts rebooting on its own, this is on deck 1
Ouch mate that's a different freeze to the one i'm suffering from - could that be the files ?
I have a feeling my issue is a RB 2.0.1 issue and not the players or at least I'm hoping so my issue is freezing when loading a track and not whilst playing although I have had the emergency loop trip for no reason once.
The loading issue I have occurs about 60% of the time so it clearly is unacceptable and you couldn't use the decks in a professional capacity right now
Epic fail Pioneer !
gotcha, definitely not the files, I played that track (unfortunately) a lot on the 2000's with no issues, now on nexus its unplayable pretty much, track is clean and ran through a scanner with no issues so if it is the track, Pioneer needs to fix it QUICK!!!! I am not about to re-do 25,000 tracks because of some new introduced buggy player
BriChi - you said it right there - Buggy Players. I'm concerned the mods have disappeared and aren't offering support and guidance ?
I contacted the store I bought mine from Friday to enquire about a refund because they've simply not lived up to expectation. The store assured me that a firmware release was imminent to tackle a number of the issues so I've held off sending them back, but right now i can't use them because of the issues.
I wish i could return mine but its not worth it at this point, I would have to re-buy the original 2000's. Huge mistake jumping on the Nexus train thinking pioneer put out a good product :( I guess ill be there bug tester for everyone else, its sad that a normal end user like me that does 2-3 private gigs a weekend can find these big issues already within 2 weeks of owning
These decks have caused me major grief this weekend.
What a joke - totally unusable!
Wow that's crazy! Sorry to see and hear something like that guys. Brichi when this happen are you using rekordbox on your laptop? Have you try just using USB only no laptop connected? Even doe I know you have a big collection of tracks,just to see if it happens with that too.
Happened on USB first party out 2 weeks ago, thought it was the usb function just screwing up but then the same thing happened with a different track while connected to my laptop using RB LINK
That's not good. Hope they could fix that soon. It suck cuz now when you do a gig,you don't know what to except
yup, im really pissed over it all, I expect a bug or 2 from any new gear released, but nothing as major as this. I will do more testing tonight after work to see if turning off "auto load" of hot starts helps, otherwise, it's back to serato, without HID mode :(
That's crazy you pay top dollars for these players,and for it to act up not good. Hope the firmware will fix it
me too or its ebay time
I do have 100% confidence though that the engineers will see my videos I sent in and work to fix this right away
That's a real smart thing you did. That video say it all,but am sure they will fix it. Don't put it yet on eBay man something good will come out of it soon
yup, Pulse was great and got right back to me on an email saying someone is on it so hopefully they are checking the videos out and will contact me
sorry the thread got hijacked Paulm, LOL
BriChi not at all mate, we only are trying to get what we truly believe will be incredible machines sorted. On paper these things are sublime and give us so much opportunity to be incredibly creative but it's sadly a bumpy journey. Incidentally I captured my issue too on my phone - what's the easiest way to get it onto here ?
ahem "when sorted"
I just "shared" it to YouTube and pasted the link here
My decks are still freezing and it's really doing my head in.
As mentioned the other day - I contacted the shop where I bought them and was told they would contact their Pioneer rep with regards to the problems.
This is the response email I received;
I have been told that they are aware of some bugs and that a new firmware version is imminent.
They have asked for as much information as possible regarding the problems that are being encountered including the other devices being used and their operating systems. I will get one of my colleagues to run tests tomorrow with various set ups in our showroom to see if we can provide them with more information. Hopefully this will help them to iron out the issues.
If you can pass on any information to me I will ensure that it gets to the correct people and I'll let you know what we come across in our tests.
I will pass on as much information as possible to them (from what I have read on these forums) and hopefully this will help them fix these bug ridden decks!
These NexUS decks have caused me major grief since day one. Sure feels like Pioneer downgraded their Hardware/ Software Quality Control standards.
CDJ2000 NexUS Firmware Upgrade is way overdue!!!
Yep, I totally agree.
I had a response from the shop where I bought them (see below) but is seem like Pioneer will not tell them anything.
Hi Lee,
Pioneer won't tell me exactly when the next firmware update will be available and what issues it will rectify. I guess that it is an ongoing process that the developers are working on and this information can only be confirmed on release.
I just picked up 3 nexus decks.. hearing problems from everyone that uses them.. let's hope I can cope with it and that there will be a big. Firmware update out ASAP to fix the issues.. have been to a few official pioneer demos and they all had freezing issues and connectivity issues lol
At least you know about the issues before hand. I was pretty shocked to say the least.
Lets just hope that a Firmware update can sort everything out. If not, mine will be going back.
I find it hard to believe Pioneer released these decks in the current form.
Did they actually test the decks or just build and stare at them? (as looks are the only thing going for them).
there's no way these are thoroughly tested before shipped, I found so many issues right out of the box within a day or 2, they should give me decks to test before they ship to public :)
I honestly think they should make BriChi a tester with some free decks or something because I always see him finding these errors!
Mods are missing from the thread, an update would be nice. I'm sure it will be fixed with a firmware update... but I really hope that firmware update happens soon!
I have to say since changing the network switch and switching off wifi on my computer the decks have not frozen once.
not here :( I changed switches, keep wifi off and also tested with only a usb drive plugged in with the deck not even connected via network and can get it to freeze
I use a usb stick and get freezes.