The link is there, I just downloaded it. Follow the link in the firmware thread at the top of the forum...
Anyone tried it yet? Ver.1.11 -> Ver.1.13 (17 June, 2013 Update) - Fixed an issue where the browse screen would become slow or stop when the unit is used for several hours. - Fixed an issue where the BACK button does not navigate to the browse screen when editing a playlist in rekordbox while the unit is connected to rekordbox via the Pro DJ Link. - Fixed a rare issue where playback from other media would not start, stop or be selected when a large USB device (e.g. 20,000 tracks) is disconnected. - Fixed an issue where the unit freezes when pressing the HOT CUE (REC/CALL) button for over 1 second during auto hot cue loading.
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The link is there, I just downloaded it. Follow the link in the firmware thread at the top of the forum...
No fix for the sync master/slave feature THEY broke?
Can anybody give direct link?
It might be fixed basile, pioneer don't always state every change in the notes.
Unfortunately I'm at work and can't test it yet.
I see no link how did you find this update?
@cdjbasile : After test No fix for the sync master/slave feature grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Pioneer what are you doing?
Hey guys. are you doing jokes of update ;>??
It's Legit- just have to wait for the weekend to do another 6-hour set to see if the issue has been fixed :D sure hope so...
oooow there :D Thank You very much man :)
@TURFER do you mean with the new firmware or 1.11?
None of the fixed bugs in that list affected me. The only thing I want to see fixed is the master/slave auto assignment and that was not fixed.
No thank you, I will not update the firmware this time and risk to get new bugs.
Fixed an issue where the browse screen would become slow or stop when the unit is used for several hours.
THANK YOU! I can finally go back to using my USB drive :)
After test No fix for the sync master -_______________________________-"
I do not use the sync at all, but being one of the "great features" of this device, I do not get how can they still ignore this issue!!
Technics, this is your chance to come back to the cd/digital market!
Also still having issue saving loops to rekordbox from the player.when i try to save a 16 or 32 beat loop it saves a 8 beat loop
so still not addressing the main issues and dare we think we may get new enhancements to increase the value of the product such as beatgrid changes on deck direct (not just left and right before someone chimes in)
Can't believe I've been waiting for this so eagerly when I should have realised we'd be so short changed
Are there any things that this update breaks?
Or is it just a case of it doesn't fix all outstanding issues? ( I assume the loop problem happened in previous firmware)
Thanks for the update Pioneer and the fixes.... But I didn't have any of these issues that this F/W fixes... Supposedly... But nothing new?? No controlling RB from the CDJ? :(
Thanks for the update Pioneer and the fixes.... But I didn't have any of these issues that this F/W fixes... Supposedly... But nothing new?? No controlling RB from the CDJ? :(
No fix for slow screen on display with the waveform?
Thanks Pioneer so far' so good, keep them coming theres still a bit of a way to go yet!
Does anybody now if the waveform keeps lag on this update? With the 1.11 it did not go correct at all. It was a little bit slower...
@BriChi You shall be the most reliable person to ask this. Does it worth to update? I mean could you let us know if there are some issues on this new version? Thanks mate!
Once I am home in a few hours I will be hammering away, Unfortunately my major gripe is the slowing down bug they fixed but I wont be able to really see if thats fixed until I gig out this weekend on 4 hour events. I definitely will report back though
Will be good to know this also!
@BriChi did you have lag on your Waveform at nexus 2000 playing any track from your USB or all did work fine?
the waveform usually is fine, I notice it is jittery here and there but nothing crazy for me to complain about.
try to catch the lag on video next time you see it, curious on what you are seeing
So sad.... Waiting two months, and this is what they come up with...
@Brichi will try to catch up in video. Will try with one CDJ only updated let's see if it works. Will try it later. Anyway at official Pioneer Home if you go to CDJ's section it's not updated. And there's no PDF file with all news. Would like to see if there's something more.
oh surprise surprise, yet again Pioneer prove themselves to be incompetent.