@no1 > Where did you get the TSI for the DJM2000? Pioneer doesn't provide one... it's not as simple as "plug and play"; you need to configure the MIDI mappings (if you aren't already using a DJM2000-mapped TSI file that you imported properly).
hi, i just want to ask, why traktor will not recognise my djm2000 as a controller- ive done everything, downloaded the tsi file, updated to the latest firmware version, switched on the midi everything! and i still cant get it to work, i also have a pair of cdj2000 hooked up and that works fine, could the signals be intercepting eachother? also theres a midi out port, do i need to use that? please heelp! i see all the videos on youtube plug straight in and works- why oh why meeeeeee!
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@no1 > Where did you get the TSI for the DJM2000? Pioneer doesn't provide one... it's not as simple as "plug and play"; you need to configure the MIDI mappings (if you aren't already using a DJM2000-mapped TSI file that you imported properly).
I dowloaded tsi. from http://www.traktorbible.com/freaks/mappingone.aspx?id=122-
Import procedure
Traktor settings> import
Also when I try to configure manually i.e. Traktor settings> controller manager> add in> learn> press button on midi pad- assuming this is the right procedure- nothing changes-
Pls any help will be appreciated- apologies for cross posting-
@no1 > Did you press the MIDI ON/OFF button on the mixer?
@pulse- yes I did- and the midi start stop too-
so i take it no answer in as many days, means i've done everything right and there must be a fault with the djm itself?
No, it just means I've been busy and haven't had the opportunity to address your issue further.
@no1 > What is the operating system you're running?
Hey pulse, thanks for your reply- i sorted it out earlier today as it happens- everything working great, endless posibilities :D
What was the problem?
The problem with the alonso.tsi file is that the "in and out" ports for the midi controller(traktor settings> controller manager) are still mapped to the original djm that was used in creating the file, so i changed the "in and out" port to my own djm(traktor settings> controller manager> click down menu for "in port"> select djm2000) repeat same procedure for "out port" and select none. Easy solution--was a simple problem in the end-- always knew i could trust pioneer hehe (o_x)
Ah yes, the MIDI ports. Those will vary from USB port to USB port, even on identical machines they may have different numbers. Thanks for reporting back!
witam. jestem zainteresowany kupnem miksera pioneer djm t1. nikt nie jest w stanie dokładnie potwierdzić lub zaprzeczyć czy w momęcie kiedy gram ze zwykłego winyla ( nie tego traktorowego) dzwięk jest tak przetwarzany przez mikser i program ze będa działały efekty, czy tylko suwaki i EQ.????
dzięki i pozdr.
@Marcus > The DJM-T1 can play normal vinyl as well as timecode. The non-timecode CAN be routed through the mixer so as to use the audio effects of the software, but obviously there would be no hotcues or looping.
kiedy zmieniam timecode na non-timecode musze jeszcze zmieniać jakieś ustawienia w mikser lub traktor ???
dzięki za pomoc :)
wszystko sie wyjasniło dzieki jeszcze raz za pomoc :)
@Marcin > Just Traktor.