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Aggregated Device for DJM-2000 & CDJ-2000 NEXUS (Mac)

Hi Forums,

I just bought a DJM-2000 and two brand new CDJ-2000 NEXUS. As I want to use the setup within NI Traktor (2.5.1) on my MacBook Pro I need to create an aggregated audio device within MacOS CoreAudio. My idea is to use the CDJ-2000 Nexus audio interfaces for channel 2 and 3 on the DJM-2000 which are connected via SP/DIF to the DJM-2000. And I want to use the DJM-2000 audio interface on channel 1 and 4 for the Remix Decks within Traktor. Why? Because the DJM-2000 is configured for 6 channel out and 2 channel in to have the possibiltiy to route the MASTER OUT to the DJM-2000 back to Traktor for recording my mixes. Otherwise I would be able to use the DJM-2000 with 8 channel out.

For the first try I created an aggregate for the two CDJ-2000 NEXUS audio interfaces. After configuring the outputs within Traktor everything works fine and the sound was routed via the CDJs over the SP/DIF to the DJM-2000.

Then I created the aggregate including the DJM-2000 and the two CDJ-2000 NEXUS. I routed the outputs within Traktor but no sound appears. So I found out that it might be possible that the bitrates of the audio interfaces of the CDJ-2000 NEXUS and the DJM-2000 might be different. A colleague told me that it might be useful to use the "resample" function within CoreAudio. But as far as I know there might be problems like crackling of the sound when CoreAudio is "resampling" to identical bitrates.

Now my question is if someone out there is using this setup and was able to build up a setup which is working like I want to use it?

And is it possible to setup the audio inferfaces of the CDJ-2000 NEXUS to another sampling rate?

Hope for useful tips :-)

BTW: I will build a TRAKTOR MIDI mapping for the CDJ-2000 NEXUS until the native HID support of TRAKTOR will be released for the devices. Today it is NOT possible to use the CDJ-2000 NEXUS as HID controller like the CDJ-2000s. Stay tuned for the mapping - I will spread the mapping via www.traktorbible.com under my nickname mclub7 ;-)


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Hi. I'm going through my manuals and will ask around to see if I can help find an answer for you. Hopefully one of the knowledgeable guys like Pulse or Gavin can get us an answer.


Also, I would be very interested in your mapping for the 2000nxs. My local venue has swapped over to the 2000nxs and I have them at home as well. It would be nice tocontinue using all my stored settings in Traktor. I'm actaully gonna explore the rekordbox stuff some more, but I am so much more familiar with Traktor and Serato.


I'll post up if I find anything out. And please keep me updated as to when you get them mapped. Thanks.


-DJ LayinLo-

DJ LayinLo 0 votes
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We may not need a MIDI mapping for the CDJ-2000nexus to work with Traktor. Check out the 2.6 update release notes:

"It’s never been easier to set up TRAKTOR in the club. The latest 2.6 software update provides plug and play usability with Pioneer's CDJ Series (2000 Nexus / 2000 / 900 / 400) and DJM-900 Nexus Mixer, thanks to advanced HID support.** Use the DJ CD player to access tracks, cue points, loops and more in TRAKTOR, with all relevant information on the CD player's display – from track artwork to detailed waveform displays**.

This integration gives CDJ users access to powerful features such as TRAKTOR's Remix Decks, sync, superior cueing and looping, intuitive browsing and world-class effects. TRAKTOR memorizes your settings, so every DJ booth becomes your DJ booth, no matter what equipment is installed."

DJ LayinLo 0 votes
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My suggestion is to configure the DJM2000 to be the ONLY aggregate sound device for use with Traktor - there is no need to add the CDJs into the aggregate mix as you don't need to send the audio to the players and then to the mixer when it can be sent directly to the mixer.

Pulse 0 votes
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I cannot believe this NOT COMPATIBLE with SERATO "B*ll Sh*t".  UNBELIEVABLE!!! I had bought 4 CDJ2000 Nexus for a grand opening this weekend, and they turned out to be useless JUNK given the fact that i myself and Three other DJs have everything built into Serato.


WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!! PIoneer who TF authorized for this CDJ2000 Nexus (USELESS TODAY and who knows for how long) to be sold when they don't work with SERATO!!!!

OMG!!! I feel like I just bought a car with no engine.  These things should be called CDJ2000 LEMONS!!! 

I'm be shipping all 4 units back to the retailer and will certainly file a complaint to PIONEER for the lack of information that is NOT posted on the CDJ2000 Nexus site.

Thank GOD that I still have both of my CDJ2000s as a backup. 


This is very disapointing given the fact that my crew and i Had put so much time and effort into getting the CDJ2000 LEMONS to then realize at the end that they were useless for all of our serato playlist and cue points!!!

I'm about to throw up!!!

WHAT HAPPENED??? WHy are these lemons on sale??? 95% of DJs run SERATO and you PIONEER decided to drop the ball!!!!






iWill 0 votes
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I will get the word around on as many sites as possible, before people get screwed with the purchase of CDJ2000 Nexus DUDS!!!


Where is the FIRMWARE update???

Should I make a lemonade with these CDJ2k NEXUS lemons?

Seriously WTF?

Yes, a lot of unhappy DJ's will be heading your way!!!




iWill 0 votes
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Hi Pulse, I can´t follow your thoughts or you did not understand my idea... I do need 4 stereo channels _out_ AND 2 stereo channals _in_ for my TRAKTOR config. Therefore the DJM-2000 is not able to bring that because of an old audio interface hardware I needed to build an aggregate with the audio interfaces of the CDJ-2000 NEXUS.

But - hey DJs out there - it workes: I brought all devices (DJM-2000, CDJ-2000 NEXUS) togeether in one aggregate to 48 kHZ sampling rate without resampling. And it worked! But I decided to switch to a DJM-900 NEXUS because this mixer has an audio interface which is much more flexible and does have 4 stereo channel In and 4 stereo channel out on the audio interface and therefore it is able also to route timecode to use withing TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO. Now I am able to decide on which channel fader I want the TRAKTOR decks to be placed ;-) AND I´m able to use the recording function wihtin TRAKTOR for the master/rec out signal of the mixer. AND I can decided to use timecode until the full HID integration for the CDJ-2000 NEXUS is released with TRAKTOR 2.6.0!

mclub7 0 votes
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I'm be shipping all 4 units back to the retailer and will certainly file a complaint to PIONEER for the lack of information that is NOT posted on the CDJ2000 Nexus site.

@Will You should always check if a new player or controller is supported with your DVS before you buy it…

Here's a link to the CDJ-2000NXS FAQ section: Functions - DJ Software

HID control is scheduled to be supported with Native Instruments’ “TRAKTOR”, Serato’s “Scratch Live” and Atomix’ “VirtualDJ”.


oakstream 0 votes
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CDJ 2000 NEXUS are native supported in VirtualDJ 7.2 in HID 

Taff 0 votes
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So PIONEER Support... Where is the fix for this? What do we do? Do we go backwards like you did with the FIRMWARE?

Should I return all of my CDJ2000 NexUS? and go buy used CDJ2000's?

This is how I make a living and you guys just made life HARDER!!!

iWill 0 votes
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Is there a link for some sort of temporary FIRMWARE fix so that I can at least run Serato and be able to use all of my original CUE points?

This is just UNBELIEVABLE!!!

It's like buying a Ferrari, going over 120MPH to then find out that it does not come with any brakes.  Only an emergency Brake ???

Come on... where's the support?

iWill 0 votes
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Time code code CD's will not work with my Cue Points on the CDJ2000 NEXUS!!!

Any advice will appreciated ; )

iWill 0 votes
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My advice: use an TRAKTOR KONTROL X1! So you use all 8 cue points... I like this setup because with it you are able to use additionally the TRAKTOR effects and some more functions ...

mclub7 0 votes
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As soon as SERATO allows for full HID support we will announce it here.  A temp fix, no not at this point.  Sorry folks, Pioneer would love to have the HID native running right now, but it is dependent upon the sw manufacturer placing it in.....  Time Code for the time I'm afraid..

Jay 0 votes
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