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Recordbox license-key issues.

I bougth the xdj-rx a few days ago but having some problems with the license-key that is on a sticker on the rear of the mixer. Atleast that's the only thing that I've found that could be the key couse the fact it says KEY:xxxxxx-xxx and so on. But everytime I try to type it in it says that it is an incorrect key. All the letters dont fit when typing it like it is shown and taking away the hyphens dont solve the problem either. Searched for many solutions but cant find any. Ideas?

Jesper Ross

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I have exactly the same problem! New XDJ-RX and rekordbox 4.0.3 in trial mode.
I can hear my tracks on the Mac but if I export them to USB and insert USB stick in the XDJ-RX I only see the waveforms but can't hear anything...

Manual says: input key with 29 characters, numbers including hyphens, but the key printed on the sticker has got 31 characters:


(4 groups of 6 characters plus one last group of 3 characters, sum is 27, plus 4 hyphens in-between, total sum is 31 ....). Why doesn't PIONEER solve this bug ???
Why isn't there a hotline? Who knows a solution?

web master 0 votes
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same here. with hyphens the last digit doesnt fit. without hyphens doesnt work

adam marsden 0 votes
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theres supposed to be a card in the box with the code, according to Pioneer in other threads, the code is not on the unit itself

BriChi 0 votes
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