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Add a search box to explorer of Rekordbox

Hello! I am facing a major problem about the search box of Rekordbox.
Missing explorer search box. I am an ex Traktor user and I dont use playlists inside the Dj program but my folders that I have my music in. We talk about many many folders because i am playing lots of music genres. 1st thing is that i can't make all these folders into playlists (over 200 folders in my collection) and the second is that the playlists aren't update the new music that i transfer to my folders. So please try and create a text box that can read and index content inside each folder such as TRAKTOR. I am very satisfied with REKORDBOX but it needs some improvement that we hope to see in the next updates. Another idea is to create a tool or something that you can drop your whole music collection folder tree and transform it into playlist folder tree inside REKORDBOX automaticaly. The best Dj program will become from the best parts of TRAKTOR & SERATO in my opinion. Thank you very much.

Dj Giannis Mavridis

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i agree on the idea. 

In my collection i want 'my' music. But on my disk i have a lot of CD's, out of date music i would not choose myself or very specific genre's.

If i'm playing at home i wanna make new things with 'my' music. But when i get a request i wanna be able to search in all my folder and find it right away. VDJ has the 2 layers when you search. Upper layer is 'in this folder' under layer is 'everything else you have put in the search database. 


Love the software but i really am missing that. i don't want to search with my OS to locate / drag the song in. 


Keep up the good work! 



Andy Poron 1 vote
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That playlist system is good for DJ who prepare their set and organize small collection. But like you said, we should stop browsing our folder like it's 2001, but this playlist/collection method is really similar to that old method of burning CD and organize them. 
I don't want to have to go to another track organisation when I copy my music on my DJ laptop. For now, I use a laptop to download at home, I copy the music to DJ on a hard drive and make a copy of it on my DJ laptop. It's already a long process (also cause I have to annalyse the track with Mixed In Key, and use a retag program to have a clean id3), so when I made that selection in my folder on my hard drive, I don't want to have to do it again on the software playlist/collection system like I burn a CD. The way I use it I just take the main folder and copy over the one on the laptop and everything new is added. And I can use my hardrive to play on friends computer (who are sometime on other software, so can't use a playlist/collection system for every software). 

It seems like at Pioneer DJ you have only one way to use your track and it's really related to using CD like it's 2001. And you don't seems to understand or want to understand that lot of people don't want to use it that way, but still want to use Rekordbox.

But with this thread I'm thinking more and more about switching back to Traktor, I'm still using it with DVS, because on another thread the Pioneer guy was talking with the same patronizing tone. 
At Native Instruments, they maybe not upload their software very often, but at least they listen our argument and seems to respect customers opinion in their forum. 

Rekordbox DJ took a lot of thing from Traktor and Serato (not this browser search thing apparently, and some other auto hot cue thing too) but the more important thing they forget is to respect their consummers and accept that there is not just ONE way of using a software/tool, because we're not in 2001 anymore with just CDJ 1000 and Technics 1200MK2...

Whoopi Nez 1 vote
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I am really shocked at how they treat customers. I see no problem in simply adding a search box ... Would you use a lot of space?

Prepare my sets in a playlist, and that's fine. But at some parties, people can order songs that are not on this list already ready. In that case, I have to go manually to look for ... What takes a big work, being that only a small box of searches would solve the problem.

Gleyson Fioravanti 1 vote
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We all use the collection system for analyze purpose and quick loading, but even if we don't do it, that's not the point here. 

If all my track are analyzed and I'm playing some track on in a specific folder, and I want a specific track but can't remember the full name of the artist or track, if I'm on Traktor I will write the part I remember in the search box and it will show me the track with that part I write who are on that specific folder. If I do that in Rekordbox, it will show me all the track of my collection that contain what I wrote in the search box.

And with that kind of search box, I could find a track that I just add without having to add it to the main collection (because sometime we just copy the file to add the new track but we don't think about adding them to the collection, because we do that without even oppening the software or from another computer on an external hardrive)

As I said before, there is not just one way to use a DJ software because there is not just one way to play music. And even if Rekordbox got some year of presence in the DJ software world, it still a newbie in the DVS/controler software world, so maybe it could be a good idea to listen and try to understand to what the user who want this product to develops have to say

Whoopi Nez 1 vote
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I have 300,000 songs that I don’t want ALL analyzed? How long will it take to analalize 300,000 songs into my collection to be searchable? With Serato I only analyzed the songs most played, then I would drop a song in on the fly and it would quickly analyze it. Before I pull the trigger and add my entire 300,000 song library to be searchable, how long might this take?

Dean McMuldroch 1 vote
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There in lies the issue, I would have to exit the software to search for the song? I do lots of weddings and get random requests for all different types of music. I need to be able to quickly access all my library by artist or song title. This search option found in many other programs would be very much welcomed. So far it’s the only one major missing element, as I consider my switch from Serato DJ to Rekordbox. I have a super fast computer but it’s really uneccessary to scan every single file? If I do I’ll post how long it takes just to circumvent the absence of a simple search button to find files anywhere I need to. Please add this option.

Dean McMuldroch 1 vote
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Running on an Alienware 17 r4 with I7 7820HK, 500 files take 20 mins. After the math it will take approx 2.7 days straight to complete the scan. I have to scan the iTunes folder on my removable drive as well, just to be able to just search any song from one location (collection). Let me just ask, I drag my entire library, all music folders and iTunes backup, to the (collection) tab, and just let it work for 3 days? Will I then be able to search for any song or artist in my collection from that one spot? The as my iTunes folder changes, I will have to rescan that every so often? Seems like a lot of trouble just to find my music quickly and easily. You seriously don’t see a need for a (universal) search option of all accessed media?

Dean McMuldroch 1 vote
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Absolutely agree! I was shocked to not find it when trying out the program. This may keep from purchasing the new DDJ 1000 which requires I use Rekordbox. Unless it maybe supports Serato sometime down the line, or a search bar is added???

Dean McMuldroch 1 vote
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Honestly, As a DJ I don't understand why this software won't allow us to search up thru Explorer. The name of the category is "Explorer" You would think with a name like that you could search in-depth thru the actual files you have organized thru your harddrive. I know what most everyone is going to say. Why not use intelligence playlist or make a playlist of the music to search. That is true but why not have the software we pay a monthly subscription on have all the tools we need to look for our music. I just find it very odd. It's just the peace of mind knowing if I'm djing at an event I can search something without having to click off of explorer and manually go to the playlist you know... If this does not get fixed I'd at least like an answer to why a "DJ" Software is missing this key fundamental function.

Fijiboi 1 vote
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inteligent playlist might be a nice solution but it needs a lot of work too as I said I have many folders (over 200) some of them updatable and some static. the music that I have inside these folders is imported to collection but sometimes you have to look for a song inside a specified folder and not to your whole collection and except that you don't have the time to go to general collection and back because you have to do with seconds. The Dj program must be easy to use and give you fast tools to be quick when you are up there and playing music. I think it's not a big thing to create a search box to look inside the folder you are in. It will be the perfect program to perform for me and many of friend djs that i discussed the problem! Rekordbox is much more perfect and I m gonna definetely leave my past program but please try to do the best possible for us! Thank you again.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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Hello guys,


I know this post is old but im new to RekordBox.

Ive changed Virtual Dj for RekordBox and what i miss more is a fuction that allows to search my external disk instead of can only search in my collection.

Is ths funcionality already implemented??? If it is, how can we use it???

If not, will it be created??? Its really a very usefull function when you have a large HD with musics that are not added to my collection





Best regards


Dj MVeiga 0 votes
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Yes here here to Miguels Question

When someone asks for a track in a bar as a dj you want to be able to just type the track in and there it is.

come on Pioneer add this to an update please.



Alan Hastie 0 votes
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@Alan > Are you telling me that song they're requesting isn't already in your collection? Because when someone comes up and asks me for a request, I search my collection and find it. What you're asking for is already in the software.

Pulse 0 votes
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Exactly my friend! They are many dj's that want this feature! VDJ has the best search bar. Then comes traktor. I cannot understand why they don't do it. I hope someday they understand. It causes me major problem sometimes this.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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You know that using the search field searches everything in your collection, correct? So what does it matter if you're narrowing the search down by selecting a specific folder? You're already looking by keyword.

I'll repeat it -- if the track isn't already in your rekordbox collection, why not? It has to analyse and beatgrid the track in order for any kind of functionality before playing it, and if you do that while live, the resource usage could affect the performance / playback.

Pulse 0 votes
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Same here, I just switch from Traktor to Rekordbox DJ for the explorer (mostly). I would be on Serato if they didn't "force" us to use the crate system, or stay on Traktor if the browser show just the filename instead of the folder list/file name in browser view.

I don't want to have to annalize all my track when using a DVS system, mostly because I always add some new files, and don't want to use a smart playlist/smart crate system, as it's really complicated to find all the term as my collection is organized with lot of sub folder and sometime I play new song that are not in a classification folder yet, so no possibility to know where it would be with a smart playlist. So that's why I'm using the explorer. 
And yes, a search fonction would be great, just searching into the folder you select on the explorer, like traktor, or the same way windows explorer work (for now that's what I'm using when not on Traktor). 
Computer now are faster than before, and if Traktor, Virtual DJ or other can do it, I'm sure it's possible to do it as well in Rekorbox DJ (and people who see performance problem will just stop using that search if it's just that the issue).

I know there is other alternative way to do it, but we're not using a software all in the same way, sure we can adapt to fonction we don't like, but it would be more conveniant to have a software who offer a possibility to use it the way we like it, even if it's not the main direction of that software

Whoopi Nez 0 votes
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You're arguing this thing two different ways...

1) You're telling me that you organize your files / folders in such a way that you would browse to find them -- this negates the need for a search function as you are locating them manually.

2) You're telling me that you want to use a keyword search to find what you're looking for -- in which case, if you have already imported it into your collection it would be located by searching.

Which is it?

Pulse 0 votes
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It's both, my files are organised by folder/sub folder/sub sub folder, sometime it can go with 3 or 4 sub folder, depend on the genre/sub genre. I do this so I can find my collection the same way on every computer if I want to play on another computer with a different dvs software (like for an unexpected set on someone else setup).

I use the search fonction because sometime I want to play a song but don't remember the entire title or the artist name, so the search fonction let me narrow the searching with a word or the begining of a word. Or at least I do that when I'm on Traktor (still use traktor when playing with turntable as there is other fonction that miss in Rekordbox and it's not stable enough yet), in Traktor the search fonction work on the explorer, you can use their playlist system or itune, but it's not an obligation, the search fonction will work on it.
In Rekordbox you have to add the track/folder to the collection to do that. It could be easy if I had just 5-6 folder but there is hundrer of them, and I didn't find a smartplaylist (or smartcrate on Serato) system that can work proprely with my workflow (because update hundreds of folder when you add some new track is not that conveniant to).

So yes, a search bar for the explorer would be great, for now, when I use Rekordbox DJ (with CDJ or controler) I use the windows explorer search fonction or the search in the collection (in rekordbox) when it's a track already annalized, so yes it kind of work that way, but I have to go on the collection folder to do that instead of just doing it in the browser where my collection is already well organized (in the collection it's all the track in main folder, not sub folder, so no possibility to use that all the time, I add the track there just to have the waveform and a quick loading)

Whoopi Nez 0 votes
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You have to look at it in a split way..

I have my music i might play. That's about 3000 songs divided in folders & subfolders. I want these lock and loaded every time i play. -> In my collection!

I have 'The Container'. This contains 15.000 songs from cd's, random songs i used to play, songs i not consider taking myself but 'you never know', accapella's, ..

I don't want these loaded & devided in my rekordbox. These need to be in the background available somewhere. But when i hit search on Tina Turner i don't want to see my 50 accapella's en 300 different tracks from all the cd's.
Unless they are asking for a specific one - then i do want to be able to search for these..

If i'm playing at home i want to be able to try new mixes (On Bpm/key). If i have ALL my stuff loaded in Rekordbox, the list is waaay to long. Then i just want 'my music' in the collection.

To get this now i have to load all 18.000 tracks in the collection. Make another folder called "My music" and drag 'my music' in there + make subfolder and devide these.

It's just a nasty workaround.. You can browse you folders in rekordbox - why can't the search run over the selected folder (I click on D drive -> Search over the whole D. i click on D:\Cd's -> i search over cd's. I click on D:\Cd's\TinaTurner -> I'm searching over Tina's collection).

If they crowd is leaving me alone and i'm looking for Tina. i go to my collection that is loaded and analyzed and search on that.


Andy Poron 0 votes
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Pulse please just try to make a nice search box like traktor or even better like virtual dj instead of trying to convience us for this search box. As you see my friend many djs face difficulties with this search box. I think the search box is the only black point of rekordbox. Thank you in advance.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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A shortcut to search entire collection instead of the playlist you happen to be in would do the trick for me. It's the only thing in Serato that I miss. That one step clicking on collection to search is a killer when you are playing on the fly - EDIT - "CONTROL F" - Found it !

Frank Rempe 0 votes
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Yeah, you can keyboard-shortcut so you have quick ability to search the playlist or the collection. Having used Serato for years, I'm familiar with their "fall back" search function, but almost prefer this method.

Pulse 0 votes
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So will you add a searchbox at folder tree too on the next updates or not? It continues to trouble me many times at dj sets.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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Or, as previously the previously-beaten-dead-horse-conversation would indicate; search your collection instead of your folders.

Pulse 0 votes
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Maybe You can't understand one thing... Some Dj's have to play music really quick... It's a big lack of seconds to go to your colelction (Even via shortcut) search the song you want and bo back to your prefered folder again. Everything is perfect about rekordbox except this. Why? Traktor and Virtual Dj have the best search bars. Why not rekordbox? Many djs requested it I think.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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...that you're still browsing your folders like it's 2001? Yes, I agree.

You're using digital, not a stack of CDs or records. Stop browsing in your old ways and adapt to changing technology to take advantage of improved features.

Pulse 0 votes
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I don't see any improvement on adding my new music to my folders and import everytime the new music (Which is around 90000 songs in many many folders) to rekordbox too. It is double the job not improvement... Otherwise I would go to Serato. It has to do with the way you can work better and not old and new ways. Trust me if it was easy to create all of this collection and folder trees to playlists i would have done it. Maybe if you could create a tool that you can drop in the folder tree and convert it into playlists and sub playlist should do the trick. And keep syncronise it automatically when you add new music to folders I just try to be cooperetive but many dj's are facing the same problem.

Dj Giannis Mavridis 0 votes
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