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XDJ-700 and Traktor pro


Pioneer, when are you thinking in updating the XDJ700 so they work on Traktor as the XDJ1000? It's something pretty easy to do as is it's just a midi controller, and well, would be mad to have it :) I tried to add them on my setup but it doesn't work at all. 

And denying to just buy the XDJ 1000 it's pretty nasty as a brand :( 

A Thousand Details

Commentaire officiel


You can configure them yourself within the MIDI mapping, Pioneer has not released an official TSI file and HID support require Native Instruments to provide support for them on their end.

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35 commentaires


Oh ok! So it's on Native's side to bring the support :) Guess the only thing to do for now it's wait :) 

A Thousand Details 0 votes
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Good luck waiting for NI................... :-D

Marek 0 votes
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Does anyone have a tsi folder that has everything mapped out?


Oscar Molina 0 votes
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I'm trying to mapping myself but i'm having problem with some buttons on the display and also with the jog. Can't wait for NI official support, i've just dropped an email asking about it.

In the meanwhile someone of you have made a manual mappings?

thanks :)

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Let me know if you manage to map this player, away at work currently but will be giving it a go next week :) Hopefully NI will get it mapped soon!

Carl Lavender 0 votes
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Ciao Carl,

this is the official reply by NI, right now:

"You are correct, the Pioneer XDJ-700 are currently not supported in Traktor 2.

I have just created a feature request for this topic:

• TP-11343 - "Please add "Advanced HID" Support for Pioneer XDJ-700"

It is still totally unclear when and if these XDJ models will get supported and we
have to wait and see if any changes are beeing made to implement these players."



So in the meanwhile the best way is to made ourselves the mapping. I've downloaded the cdj 350 mappings and it works for the basic features, but the touchscreen functions are not mapped and also the vinyl mode is not working well..

mauroalpha 0 votes
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HI Mauro

So looks like you have some functions mapped, keep me posted on your progress and/when u do crack it a copy would be great. Ill be getting to work next week:)

Carl Lavender 0 votes
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well, for basic use you can download the cdj 350 mappings: please note that you need to set midi channel 1 for left player and midi ch for right player.

I will modify this mapping, but for now i'm testing it cause some function are strange, for example the vinyl mode /pitch bend functions stop to work ...


Carl and other user here, can you test it too ? (please add me on facebook :) )



mauroalpha 0 votes
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Oscar, just tried it. it works better then cdj 350 mappings;

the touchscreen works but:


1) the loop size selector doesn't activate the loop 

2) the loop size arrow works as cue call and not as loop move

3)rec and call doesn't work

about the normal functions all works good except the vinyl mode that is always on even if it's not on.

I will try to modify these mappings ...but in the meanwhile the best way is to play with the usb pen i guess...or to switch to rekordbox dj even if i think is not good to spend other money to buy that program...for the price of the xdj pioneer could send license as gift...

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Hi Oscar, sounds like some tampering still needs to be done, hopefully pioneer/trakor will issue a mapping in the near future!

Carl Lavender 0 votes
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Hey guys,  tsi mapping for the xdj  is only working on one side how do i select the deck b 


Oscar Molina 0 votes
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@Oscar & @Mauro - I haven't managed to figure this out. How do you assign the second deck to deck B? Regardless of focus both decks are currently controlling A for me!

Using the XDJ1000 mappings linked above, assigning the right deck to CH 2 stops it from affecting any deck (though ctrl flashes when cue/play/fader is pressed)

Gavin Pearce 0 votes
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Ciao Gavin,

you have to go in the utility menu of the xdj you want to control the deck B and change the midi channel number from 1 to 2 ;)


Anyway with manual mappings pitch control is not the same as HID support..can't wait for NI to have HID supported in these xdj

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Thank you Mauro, that's a huge help :) Looking forward to that too!

Gavin Pearce 0 votes
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How have people been getting on? anything mapped that they fancy sharing?

Carl Lavender 0 votes
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At the moment no news, if you want i can share my mappings , not working 100% but it's usable even if the pitch control is not precise as hid protocol do..please contact me on facebook if you need them cause here there is no way to upload files :)

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Ciao Teos,

thanks for sharing, will try it for sure :)

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Good evening I have made mapping in Traktor and show me the titles and the info screen there case we can fix with some upgrading;


Teo Fotakidis 0 votes
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ehy Teos,

where is the file? your first mappings works not well for me, i'm curios to get your new one!

mauroalpha 0 votes
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Vince @ NI (Native Instruments)

Oct 12, 01:43 CEST

Please note that any technical support for this product is solely handled by PIONEER. Unfortunately, TRAKTOR (SCRATCH) PRO 2 is not compatible with the Pioneer device due to changes in the specification of Pioneer's hardware integration. We are working closely with Pioneer to resolve the compatibility issues. 
Yet there's support for the XDJ 1000...smh
Teo 0 votes
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See their post - "Working closely with Pioneer."

Currently, if you want MIDI control, it's up to you, the user, to map it.

HID support is being negotiated.

Pulse 0 votes
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Was just giving heads up to the thread since there has been no word... I got faith..lol

Teo 0 votes
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Gotcha, sorry, we don't have any updates so don't post anything! We'll certainly let you know if we hear any news.

Pulse 0 votes
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I have used the mapping above https://traktorbible.com/freaks/mappingview.aspx?id=968 and generally really impressed with it

However is there a way to make the tempo adjust finer 

It is more accurate using timecode at 6% than midi mode...


Also is there a recent update from NI on advanced HID mode by any chance?

James Connor 0 votes
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Sorry, we can't provide any support for unofficial TSI maps.

Pulse 0 votes
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