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Pionner SX2

Download the original tsi-Pioneer makes me very slow when entering Tracktor preferences. The operation is perfect, but that failure is annoying. is there any other possibility to solve it? Thank you

Ariel Nazareno Garcia Roseti Répondu

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@Ariel > Unfortunately that's not something Pioneer has any control over, if Traktor is having difficulty in opening the preferences due to the size of the TSI mappings, it's more to do with your computer and Traktor, not Pioneer or the SX2. Sorry!

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But however it happens with the TSI testing it on multiple machines both PC and MAC, if I remove the TSI does not happen, so the problem is the TSI. It can not be that in a 2014 Macbook Pro 15 is pongalento preferences with those TSI. I insist the problem is in the TSI, before using the SB and I never had that problem. Await response.

Ariel Nazareno Garcia Roseti 1 vote
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If you want to use the SX2 with Traktor you can either use the provided TSI file or create your own. If the application slows down when entering the preferences, it's a minor nuisance, but if the software otherwise operates normally, I don't see the problem.

Pulse 0 votes
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It's not a minor nuisance. It slows Trakor settings *significantly*. On my 2.2 GHz i7/16gb ram/SSD drive MacBook Pro takes about 30-45 seconds to open or close settings screen with no other apps running. While that happens, Traktor UI is completely unresponsive. 


This issue is not caused by the number of mappings. It is caused by the number of MIDI devices the official mapping creates - 14. If you just start deleting devices, when you get down to 4-5 devices everything starts working normal and snappy. 

Non-official mappings from JaJa, for example, have the same number of mappings, but packed into 4 different devices and I notice no slow-down of any kind. 

This is 100% a problem with the official mapping file, not with Traktor and not with a computer.

DJ Tchort 0 votes
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@DJ Tchort > The reason it creates 14 "devices" is to help break them down into specific categories to make it easier for users to find and customize the mappings if needed. For example, if you don't use the FX, you could remove those devices.

And for the record, it's only slow when opening the preferences because Traktor is unable to process the size of the mapping file. That's not Pioneer's fault.

Pulse 0 votes
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