Commentaire officiel

It could be the update didn't take properly - try running it again and see what happens.
I have a Pioneer DDJ-SR.
Was connecting and using it normally.
But it was in firmware version 1.02 and I wanted to do the update to the latest firmware which is 1:07.
I turned her on in update mode (Shift + Sync) and the lights of the meters (coloured lights between the volume faders) began to flash because it was getting in update mode.
It connected to my computer and did the update.
But after that, whenever I try to connect it, regardless of the way, it always turn on as if it its in update mode. Whenever I turn it on, the small lights of the central meters between the faders blink and it does not connect normally as before.
What has happened or what is happening? I use a Windows 7 PC.
Thank You
It could be the update didn't take properly - try running it again and see what happens.
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Already tried, and didn´t worked.
Did you try forcing it into update mode (by holding the appropriate buttons) when powering on the unit, then updating?
Yes i did it. But the problem is that, after that, the Controller always turn on into Update Mode.
Even if i just switch it on normally (just pressing the ON/OFF buttuon) it stills turn on in the Update Mode (the middle metters coloured lights turning on and off).
And did the update complete successfully each time it was run?
My PC recognizes it, as i was connecting it to perform the update
Yes, i did it completely 3 times.
I've opened a ticket with the engineers to see what they say. Thanks for your patience!
I tried it again now and it worked!
Thank you for you attention and pacience. Lokks like that, for some reason, the update wasn´t being sucessful. Now it worked.
Sorry about my bad english, and thank you again.
Ah, so it did complete and the SR restarts normally now?