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Firmware Suggestions for XDJ RX

Dear Pioneer DJ,

After spending some time with this device, here are some suggestions for your next firmware update: 

1) Coloured Waveforms as seen in Rekordbox 4 and CDJ-2000 NXS2. If Colour Waveforms are not possible, then consider improving the Resolution of the Blue Waveform to be a little more detailed as it is in Rekordbox 4. For example, Low Amplitude (Quieter) Sounds don't really show up graphically on the Waveform as clearly as they do in Rekordbox 4. Furthermore, please consider adding Full (Biphasic) Waveforms in the deck information display.

2) In the Beat Count Down, please add the option to read Beats to Cue, not just Bars to Cue.

3) Please add an option to remove the minute markers as they obscure Hot & Memory Cue point information. There is enough information elsewhere about track time and these minute markers are obtrusive on the small screen when they overlap with letters and triangles. Perhaps render the vertical line to be shorter in length, such as that seen in Rekordbox DJ.

4) Would it be possible to add the optoin for a Related Tracks List window with filters like that seen in Rekordbox 4?

5) Please add the ability to load my Rekordbox settings in this unit. I know you believe that the XDJ RX is not an installation unit, but I can see this installed in music bars and if not, it would be nice to have friends come round for a jam and load their settings. There are two USB ports to play from, meaning that DJ switching is made easy, so why not simply enable this function?

6) Dynamic Time Stretching of Waveform when Sync is Disabled and Beatmatching is done Manually. I understand there might be a hardware limitation preventing this?

7) Please add the ability to Set Two Tracks as a Good Match Combination on the devic, akin to tagging. I understand that Pioneer strives for all us DJ's to labour through our track preparation in Rekordbox software, but please understand that we might figure out two tracks are a good match whilst in the mix. It would be nice to be able to set them as a good match on the device, rather than going back and forth with Rekordbox. 

8) I consider the following a problem when trying to read cue points on he small display - When a Hot Cue and a Memory Cue occupy the same grid point, the Hot Cue marker defaults any Colours assigned to the Memory Cue marker back to colour Green -There is no need for this, so please allow for the assigned colour to show.

Furthermore, since there is a Letter Marker for a particular Hot Cue below the Deck Display Waveform, there is no need to also have a second Hot Cue Letter Marker above the Deck Display Waveform, just like in Rerkordbox DJ.

9) Please consider adding the Hot Cue letters to main Waveform in the Information Display section,

10) Suggestion - If the word TEMPO % (no.21 in the manual, page 18) moves slightly to the left next to the word QUANTIZE, then you can shift the words Pitch and BPM up a bit so you might then be able to stretch out the waveform on the bottom to reach all the way to the divider.

11) Please add a Beat Jump function (Pre-define the division jump & then Shift + Search buttons?)

12) When recording on USB 2, please consider adding a time elapsed for it in the main display, perhaps to the right of ZOOM/GRID.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about something and the function is possible.

Finally, I understand that some of these suggestions may not be possible to implement, i.e due to hardware limitations, time constraints etc... However, these are my main thoughts on how best to tweak the unit for better performance.

Thanks for your time.




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Passed these along to the product team, thanks for the feedback.

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9 commentaires


Number 12, time recorded. Very useful. I record all my practice.

Don't understand number 6 though, isnt it always time stretching when Master Tempo is on?

Teles 0 votes
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Dear Bryan,

To best understand no.6, load any track and select any pitch range. Moving the pitch slider up and down does not expand and contract the waveform size accordingly as it does in Rerkordbox DJ, it only changes how fast it scrolls on the screen. However, I understand from another post that this may not be possible, as the installed hardware in the device does not have sufficient computing power to make this additional calculation.

Hope this is clearer now, thanks.

SoundShell 0 votes
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Yes very clear, I thought the XDJ-RX was normal but stretching the waveform would be better.


Teles 0 votes
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I think you have some good points, but i like to add some things:

no 1: colourd waveform i dont really like it, i like the blue, but about the songs who are not that loud, yes indeed make even then the waveform bigger, you can not even see anything happen.

also i still have some glitches or delays sometimes in the screen in the big waveform. would be nice if pioneer could make that a litle smoother or faster i dont know.

no2: would be nice

no5: also this would be nice even i am the only user, but i can understand for bars who dont have a lot of money this is the equipment they will use so more dj's on the same night will use this,


DJ Lionbeat 1 vote
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Dear DJ Lionbeat,

No.1 - Yes I agree, the coloured waveforms are not so much an issue for me and I would be more than happy using just the blue coloured waveform.

However, the fact that low amplitude sounds show up as a flat line on even the highest magnification of the waveform, needs rectifying and should be more representative of the actual dynamic range within a track.

It seems as though the threshold for drawing the waveform is set significantly higher than perceptibly low amplitude sounds.

I've seen the glitches and delays you speak of and yes indeed, the refresh rate could be much better and less choppy.

No.2 would be useful as well as nice.

No.5 is a feature that should have never been removed to begin with.

Hopefully, the team at Pioneer DJ can give us some feedback as to how feasible such changes are?



SoundShell 0 votes
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Yes no.6 would be great, making the way waveforms are viewed on the XDJ-RX on par with all the major DJ software i.e Mixvibes, Serato, Traktor and Pioneer's own Rekordbox DJ.

However, from what I understand reading a different post, the installed hardware meets the minimum requirements required to run the internal software as it is now and pushing it further with this new feature would only compromise the ability of running other functions in the device smoothly as it is allegedly a power hungry process to dynamically stretch the waveform that the internal hardware would not be able to cope with. Hence, we might never see this feature unless Pioneer DJ somehow optimizes the code in the current software to free up resources/cpu power on the current hardware. This, or we'll see it in a possible hardware upgrade such as the XDJ-RX2, which would be disappointing having just spent all this money.

In addition, other players by Pioneer DJ that display waveforms i.e CDJ 2000 NXS & NXS2, CDJ-900 NXS. XDJ-1000, XDJ-700., are all single players with a single waveform. Dynamic stretching of the waveform therefore, is not really necessary in this case, as the two track waveforms are not stacked, but on different players. When they threw it all together though in the XDJ-RX, this presented the issue in question.

SoundShell 0 votes
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